Most importantly - my sweet sister, Stephanie, and hubby, Joey, welcomed another precious lil' boy into the world last night - meet Gabriel Dax, 7lb. 2oz., 20 inches long. He was a month early - but healthy and beautiful. He joins his big brothers, Dylan and Dawson. Love you Sis - you are an incredible sister and a wonderful mother!!!
Next, this was my lil' boy's 6th birthday!!! And this sweet puppy was his present from Shaun and I. He was so excited he could hardly talk - just completely surprised - it brought tears to my eyes to see him so happy. Casen hasn't named him yet - said he needed to think about it - so we'll see. But this is the latest member of our farm family.
And jus' like I promised - the drawing for the fall ornaments!!!! I wanted Casen to draw - but he had already gone to bed when I got back from the hospital - so Shaun did the honors. And the winner is........................
My friend, Cheryl - aka Tidy Mom!!!! Congrats!!!! I'll ship 'em to ya real soon!
Thank you all so much for all the many wonderful comments - I had never received that many responses before, so I was super excited. I truly appreciate the time you take to visit. Everyone is sooooo busy these days - so it means a lot to me that each of you stop by.
Wishing you all a Beautiful Thursday!!!!!
Cathy Cobblestone
Don't you just love babies? I think they are the best.... the smell of baby lotion and powder, their soft skin, ahhhhh, now I want a new grandbaby....
Ahhh what an angel baby! Tell your boy Happy -bday! cherry
He is beautiful! I am so excited for your new lil' nephew! Casen's puppy is adorable too! Have a great day!
Oh what a day you had Cathy!!! Congrats on the new little nephew, Casen's birthday, and the new puppy!!! Is it a boy or girl?
and OMG I can't believe I won!!! WOOHOOOO! Thank you so much! I'll send you my address.
and I LOOOOOOVE the new pumkin picture, you always have the neatest pictures Cathy! That would make a GREAT desktop picture!
Thanks again!
Congratulations Cathy on the precious little nephew!
And what a cute puppy! Let us know what Casen decides to name him.
Way to go, Cheryl! Lucky girl!
Ohhh there is nothing as sweet as new baby! Congrats to your whole family.
Happy Birthday Casen - enjoy your new puppy!
Congrats to the winner! She is very lucky indeed.
I hope the rest of your week is the best, Cathy.
What a beautiful baby (and puppy). Your family had a great day yesterday. I would like to have seen Casen's face when you brought out the puppy. I'm sure you got lots of pictures.
Precious photos! Love Casens rosy cheeks!
What a memorable day your house had!! That baby boy is adorable and I love the names of her children!! Casen now has a new best friend on top of it all!! You are going to have your hands full for sure gf!!
Congrats, Cheryl!!
Thanks for sharing
What a beautiful baby your sweet little nephew is! and a new puppy for Casen ~ lots of exciting blessings at your place! Enjoy them all!
Good morning Cathy!
Thanks for visiting me! So you visited Seattle? Not too far from me... where in Canada did you go? I hope it wasnt' raining at the time!!
Comgratulations on that beautiful new lil guy! How awsome! Email me your address and I'll pop a Brown Bag Bib in the mail to help welcome him fo your family. After all, Auntie needs a cool bib at her house for when he comes to visit!
Blessings, Kimberly
Ahhh that baby is a cutie! Congrats to your sis!
Also your son did get something pretty special...I love animals also...cutie!
Congrats to your friend, Cheryl!
I have seen so many of these giveaway post I can't wait till I get to give something many neat people on this blog site and I am loving every bit of them.
Look forward to getting to know you better!
Your nephew is so sweet such beautiful skin!
How happy your son looks with his puppy, I'll check back to see what he names him:)
Congrats to Cheryl for winning the neat giveaway!
Ohhhhh.....a sweet baby....what a blessing from God! Congrats to your sister and your entire family. Happy Birthday to your little boy too! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments.....come back and visit anytime!
just me again....
I would love to exchange links with you too!
What a sweet baby and an adorable puppy. What kind of doggie is it? Congratulations to the lucky winner of your drawing. You have a great evening.
Jean in Virginia
Congratulations. What a handsome nephew and love that name. And Happy Birthday to your adorable boy. I bet he is still over the moon with his new puppy. Night, sweet dreams!
What an exciting day indeed. All the boys have such neat names. The puppy is just too cute. I know it must be a busy time at the farm with all your pretty Mums for sale.
Just love the look of love in your little one's eyes. You certainly made him one happy boy.
Your new nephew is perfect!
Oh Cathy, how adorable that precious little boy is!! and Casens face is priceless!! you are building such good memories!!
and by the way, you've been tagged!! go to my blog and read all about it..I want to hear somethings about you!!
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