Good Day Everybody! Hope all is well in your corner of the world - we are getting ready for our 10th Annual Fall Harvest Gathering this weekend here at Cobblestone Farms. I can not believe it has already been ten years - but they have been wonderful, happy and blessed years. I won't say that I do not get tired, o.k. let's be honest, "WORE FLAT OUT", sometimes - but it is all worth it. We send out a sincere thank you to our amazing friends and customers - it is because of you that we are still here. We hope if you are close enough you will join us for food, fun, fellowship and a festive good time this Saturday.
I'll be signing out for a couple of days - going to be doing lots of cookin' and bakin' - trying to get ready. I'll miss you guys but check back in - I'll be back at the first of the week! Blessings to you all and have an absolutely splendid fall weekend with your family.
Cathy Cobblestone
P.S. My sweet friend, Audrey, had her precious baby girl, Molly, this week. Audrey is the artist behind "Lil' Booger Bows" - check out her link on my favorites. Audrey - congrats - you are going to be an Incredible mother - Best Wishes to your entire family!
Gosh, I sure do wish we lived around you cause it looks like Cobblestone Farms is FABULOUS!! I would love to come visit and come to your Fall Harvest Gathering!
I hope you have a great Harvest Gathering ! Wish I lived close~ I'd love to come. I love those pumpkins stacked in the pot!
Looking forward to reading about the gathering next week!
Cathy, I wish you were in my town, and I would be right there helping you celebrate your 10 years. Congratulations and enjoy the weekend.
Jean in Virginia
Your outdoor decor looks wonderful (as usual). You have such an eye for placement of things! Have fun on your Harvest Gathering celebration!
Good luck with your weekend, I wish I lived close enough to visit!
Hey, Cathy ~
So nice to hear from you! I bet you are BUSY!!! Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned. I'm praying that you have great weather for it. I'd love to be there ~ it's sounds like sooo much FUN!!!
Good luck at your annual fall harvest gathering. I'm sure you will be super busy. We are going to one locally here this weekend. Love your blog & I have added it to my faves. Stop by for a visit when you get a chance.
Have fun and take a few photos to post. Wish I lived closer.
If your "Fall Gathering" is anything like the talent I see on your blog, it will be something else!! Sure wish I lived close enough to come myself. Good luck...and I look forward to you being back with us next week.
I got the newsletter today and it looks great! Thanks for the RibbonsnRags plug. Best wishes to you on the festival Saturday. I would love to be there but both girls have soccer stretched out most of the day. I will think of you and I know it will be a great time. Congratulations on 10 years, it sure does fly by. I remember the first time around 10 years ago that I came to your store in search of a cookie cutter for a birthday party and you had it!! I have been a big fan of yours and your store since.
Cathy - I just got your newsletter in the mail today and had to check out your blog. (along with Lil' Boogers and Ribbons-n-Rags blogs!) Everything looks great - the fall photographs are beautiful!
AWWWWWW! Thank you Cathy! I can't wait for you to meet her! She is truly a blessing from the Lord and Josh and I are so lucky! I wish I could be there this weekend because I know it is just going to be awesome! Good luck and I hope you sell out of everything! (Well, almost everything; I still have a lot of Christmas shopping to do!) Love ya and thanks so much for thinking of me! Check my blog because I will be posting lots of pictures soon!
I wanted so bad to come over today:(. Even had a birthday gift cert. from my by sweetie-pie darling daughter Miss Ange to spend. Oh well, I will be over in a couple of weeks. I am going to Miss Frannie's gathering. Will try to stop by then. Hope to see you there.
P.S. So glad to hear Snowball is doing ok. Miss Ange will give the best of care.
It does sound like a fantastic time. I love the picture. It must look like autumn heaven at your home. I can't wait for the upcoming news and pictures of how it goes. Have fun!!
Hello Darling Cathy!
I wish I lived by you! I would have LOVED to have been on your farm last weekend! Bet you had lots of fun and hope you took lots of pictures!
So good to hear your puppy is going to be fine! Poor baby! xo
Congratulations to your sister and her precious baby doll! Such a sweet picture!
Have a wonderful week and think of you oten!
Big Hugs,
Hope your fall harvest gathering was alot of fun and a great success!!! Would love to exchange blog links!! Have a wonderful day!!
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