Well, I was going to start out this week by wishing you a Happy Fall since Autumn officially begins today - but the morning got off to a rough start.
Do you remember Casen's sweet lil' birthday surprise last week- his new puppy that he has named Snowball - well, he fell down our hard wood stairs this morning - :-( I rushed him to the vet and I think he his going to be O.K. - but please jus' remember that sweet lil' thing. He is in shock and they are watching him close for a few hours. No broken bones just making sure there is no internal bleeding. I feel so bad 'cause I had gone up the steps never thinking he would follow me - he hadn't done that yet. By the time he was half way up - I went to get him and he tumbled down landing on his back - unable to walk and barely breathing.
He's been here less than a week and we love him to pieces already. I hope I can bring him home safely before Casen gets home from school today.
I'm usually all about "Happy" posting - sorry I'm jus' a lil' scared about all this. I'll let you all know how he is doing - I'm gonna try and work on my newsletters today for our Fall Harvest - I hope I can stay focused!
I hope your week gets started on a more Happy Note! I truly do wish you always - a beautiful day!
Cathy Cobblestone
I'm praying that your sweet puppy will be okay. I know how special pets are to a family. I enjoy your blog so much. Wish I lived closer so I could shop at your shop!
Carol * in Oklahoma
Oh Cathy, I'm so sorry to hear about Snowball! Big prayers are floating up to heaven for him from NC.
Oh my Goodness Cathy!!! you must be so upset!!! I'm praying little snowball will be just fine!! I just LOVE that picture you took of him!!!
Keep us posted!!! and I'll say a prayer!
Oh! Just stopped by to see what you're up to, and so sad to hear about your little pup. i would also be devestated if one of my four legged creatures was hurt. Sending little prayer for him...
Bless your heart. Such a hard thing. It is heartbreaking to see pets injured and then to see your children's hearts break. I could tell you some stories from our place. I fell in love with Snowball the day I was at the store. My children talked about how sweet he was all week. Hope all goes well.
Oh no, I am freaking out for you....poor baby. I am sending up prayers that Snowball will be fine. I am just hoping it knocked the breath out of him and he will be back to his bouncing self later. Our toy poodle pup is so wild that when Lexi was holding her one time she squirmed out of her arms and hit the tile...I ABOUT freaked out and we rushed her to the vet....just the wind knocked out of her and she was fine.
Dear Mrs. Cobblestone,
I certainly will pray for your new baby.
Lord God, I pray for health and restoration for this sweet puppy. Please renew every little part of this little one's body. Lord Jesus,thank you for caring even about these little ones that we care about, just cause we care about them.
God bless you!
Laura of Harvest Lane
Oh I am so sorry....praying for him right now. Beth
Please let us know how he is doing, those little guys take over our lives in a heart beat don't theY, but they are tough too...
Poor little puppy! Poor you!! I've had a few of these emergency vet things with our pets. It's usually worse on the moms.
We'll definitely be praying for your family and Snowball.
I'm praying for ya! Hope to see you soon!
OH Cathy - I hope the little guy is OK! I bet your heart skipped a few beats. Please do let us know how he is doing!
Oh no. I know you feel terrible. Everything will be okay and he'll be back to spark in no time. Isn't it wonderful that we can love something so much so fast? He's such a cutie. I'll have my "girls" say some prayers for you too.
Oh no! Poor puppy! I hope he's okay!
OHHHH Cathy...soooo sorry! What a sweet fur baby....I pray right now he will be as good as new. Understandlly you are upset...they are family members. Ours are like having extra children. Hope he comes home real soon! cherry
Oh Cathy.....I feel for ya! Please keep us posted! I'll say a little prayer for Snowball!
Puppies are like made of rubber, they bounce right back....I will say a special prayer for him.
The first dog that I can remember having when I was a child was named "Snowball". I had to keep him at one set of my grandparents' farm. I wasn't allowed to have one at home. I couldn't wait to go to their house after school. I would jump off the bus, and there he'd be waiting for me with wet licks on my face. My mom would have croaked if she had seen that--I supposedly was allergic to dogs!!! I would get my wagon from the barn, Snowball would jump in, and off we'd go on some adventure. A child and their dog is a memory forever.
Hope your Snowball is good as new.
Oh poor thing! I do hope that he is on the mend and is back to his old self.
I will be praying...Let us know!
So sorry to hear about Snowball. I hope that he is well and already back at home where he belongs!
Oh silly me. You already picked the winner.
Snowball is precious and I'm so glad he is Ok.
Have fun with the little ball of fur.
I am glad your puppy is o.k. What a cutie Snowball is. Just taking a look around and really like your blog ;) Nice fall decorations.
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