Well, I think he is gonna be alright - this picture was taken yesterday before his lil' mishap but isn't he jus' the cutest thing. After three trips to our wonderful new vet, Miss Ange, she assured me she thought all would be o.k. in a few days. No broken ribs, which was our concern, just really, really sore - and his lil' lungs were congested from his impact. He only weighs about 4.5 pounds. But hopefully and thankfully, he should make a full recovery in a few days. He has layed around most of the evening - not his fun lil' self - but we are all looking forward to when he is back on his feet and runnin' around.
Thank you all so very much for such sweet, sweet comments. I was really feeling down 'cause I felt like it was my fault - I should have thought of him climbing the steps. Shows you I've never had a house pet before. So, I'm learnin' and I'm sure I have a lot left to learn - but we are all happy jus' to have him back home. Casen has loved on him and I think we are "all" on the mend.
Thank you all so much!!!!
Cathy Cobblestone and "Snowball"
Thank Goodness..I thought about that cute little guy ever since I read about his little tumble...same as having another child! He looks so sweet in his picture...what's not to love?
He is so adorable...I have to show Sydney his picture:)
Oh what a little darling! He doesn't look real. I'm so glad that he is well. He just needs lots of love and care.
Glad he is going to be ok. You get so attached to your pets very quickly. I can understand with him cause he is cute as he can be.
YEAH! I'm glad he is ok! Hope you have a wonderful week Cathy, I know it is going to be very busy! If you don't mind, could you please put back 2 big yellow mums for me and two nice size pumpkins to put on top of my planters? Today is my due date and I have a doctor's appointment. I'm not sure if I can get there today, but mom said she would come by and get them for me. I appreciate it Cathy!!!
Oh, I am hooting for joy!! I was praying that little Snowball was going to be fine and he is!! I can't hardly stand it when our little animal friends get hurt. I bet he will be bounding along again before you know it!!!!
Oh, and one more thing...he IS absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!!!
So glad to read this post and that he is going to be OK. He sure is adorable!!
Yeah!!! so glad to hear Cathy!! I was just showing Allison his picture.......thanks, now SHE wants a snowball! LOL What kind of dog is he?
Good morning!
Oh, I am soooo glad that your puppy is going to be okay!!! It is always so hard on everyone when a pet is hurt or worse--one of the tough facts of life that seem to be learned quickly when living on a farm with pets and livestock.
would love to echange links with you
I am so glad he is okay. Puppies are tougher than we think. I remember when we got our cairn terrier, Maggie Mae(almost 3 years ago) I was always so worried about what she would get into and whether she would hurt herself doing this and that. Finally my vet told me you have to let them go and learn and they will be okay because they are tougher than you think. Kind of sounds familiar, seems like I might have heard similar words concerning my children........ Your new baby is precious, and it will bounce back.
Have a better day.
Jean in Virginia
bichon, right? our kids had one named peyton manning--2 little boys. they are the most darling little dogs.
i am so glad to hear he is alright. they are a pugnacious breed; always looking for mischief....but, oh, so sweet and loving!
p.s. if you moderate comments, why the word verification, too?
Oh, I am so glad he is okay. Poor guy. And it's not your fault at all- not at all. These little creatures sometimes get themselves into trouble, have little accidents. I know he is going to love all the attention he gets. What a cutie!
GREAT news! Does he have a twin brother because I WANT HIM! lol Such a cute puppy.
So happy to hear little Snowball is going to be alright. Have a great day!
Carol * in Oklahoma
Yeah!!! I'm happy he's gonna be alright. God's precious little gifts like this can sometimes scare the bejeebies out of us. We love them though!!!
I've just found your blog and I've enjoyed my visit. I was so sorry to hear of Snowball's accident and hope a speedy recovery is on it's way. He's a sweet little fellow. He'll just need some downtime and remind yourself, puppies are like babies. They get into all kinds of mischief if we let them *(LOL). I hope as he grows, he'll learn to manage the stairs. Hugs to you all.
I came over from Tomatoe Creek Prims...I am so glad Snowball is going to be okay...he is absolutely adorable! I'm often amazed how much banging around the little ones can handle and still be fine and happy. Take care.
I am so happy to hear that the little one is going to be ok. You do have a good Vet there you know. ( A proud Vet Momma talking)ha
Oh my!! What a cutie! He looks like a little stuffed animal. What a little blessing he will be to your family. chery:)
Hope the lil munchkin is still doing well!!! Give him kisses for me.
Dr. Ange
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