....that old blue bed frame I bought on my "I hit the Jackpot" venture. Well, with a lil' elbow grease and my papaw's magic - here it is now!!!!!!
Isn't it so pretty! I think he jus' did a wonderful job. We painted it black and my sweet mamaw, Ruby covered it for me. Actually this is the fabric that I have my curtains made of in my bedroom - so it is really hard for me to part with this one. But it simply won't fit, otherwise, I think I'd simply have to keep it 'cause I love it!!!!
For those of you who'd like to try this yourself - it is real simple. Find a pretty bed that you like - you can find them at auctions, estate sales, "junk" stores - really jus' about anywhere. Simply use the side rails to marry the headboard and foot board together. Brace the seat with a piece of plywood being sure to put extra support underneath it so you won't have any sagging. Paint it in a color you love and simply cover the plywood using foam, your favorite fabric and a handy dandy staple gun (I couldn't live without one of these things). If you don't wish to cover the seat - you can paint it out and simply add throw cushions or store bought "bench" cushions. Another lil' tip - as you know, foam is extremely expensive - this piece on this bench pushing $50.00 - so that can be an investment all its own. However, check with your local carpet store to see if they have any scrap carpet padding - that has been left over from a job - see if it is available for sale (could get lucky and get it for free). Keep putting the layers together for the desired thickness. Just a lil' tidbit to make it more economical.
Anyway, I told you guys I'd share with you the projects as we got them completed - thought you might enjoy this one.
We had a splendid fall harvest gathering and I thank all of you for your well-wishes. I'll be sharing some pictures with you soon. Blessings to you all!!!
Cathy Cobblestone