Blessings to ya!
Newest member to Cobblestone Farms - Isaac
Hope everyone had a great weekend - ours was great but BUSY! Friday night - VBS commencement and Family FUN night picnic, Saturday - well, I worked then I prepared food for a cookout at the lake that evening, Sunday - Oh my, church, had to go buy flowers for an event, took my lil' boy to KINDERGARTEN orientation :( BOO HOO!! - back home, to water, spray roundup, pick veggies, and had company!!!! WHHEWWWW - Oh, and I almost forgot, we got a new miniature horse on Saturday - meet lil' Isaac.
This week - I'll be decorating for a political event on Wed., the Beth Moore study on Thursday and a wedding on FRIDAY!!!! I better get my running shoes on! I am ever so grateful to have the opportunity to do these things - I love to decorate - but I'm getting a tad behind - so for those of you who have given me blog awards and tagged me too - I PROMISE - I'll get to it soon!!!! Don't give up on me.
I hope each of you has a blessed week - and like the canvas says "Greet each day with goodness, gratefulness and GOD".
Cathy Cobblestone
Hello Sweet Cathy!
Oh you are so lucky!!!! I have always wanted a miniture horse! He is darling!
Wishing you a wonderful week at the farm!
Cathy, that little horse is so cute! Whew, it makes me tired just thinking about all you have to do this week. You better take an extra vitamin. Have a wonderful week.
Jean in Virginia
Sounds like a crazy busy week - crazy but good crazy! Love the new header - always a delight for the eyes and soul.
LOVE the painting of the topiary, it's soooo pretty!
Phew, I'm winded just reading your post of how busy you are lol!
Hope you find some time to relax.
I know what you mean about being busy. I love having a lot of things to do. Today I am painting bedroom furniture and a coffee table. Taking a trip to the garden shop, some of my plants did not do to well in all the heavy down pours we had last week.
Throw in a little crafting, making supper and cleaning and there is my day!
Your son looks so cute with his new horse. Kindergarten, I remember those days!
I will be back...denise
such a sweet little horse.....kindergarten registration is always tough...I totally know how you feel. Have a great week. Stop by and visit when you can!
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