Well, I got tagged for the first time - twice in one day. I wasn't even really for sure what I was suppose to do but I finally figured it all out. My friend, Rose Marie at Sugar Plum Cottage tagged me for this "8 Things MeMe" - so here it goes. She has an absolutely beautiful blog and glorious gardens - you must pay her a visit - you'll be so happy you stopped by.
So here are a few things about me!
8 Things I say alot:
*"Hey Hon"
*"What cha' been up to today"
*"I'm so sorry" - I seem to say this for no apparent reason - don't know why
*"Can I help you or are you jus' lookin' today?"
*"Casen- what are you doooooing?"
*"Thank you God for this day"
*"WHEW - it's hot" - so hot natured
*"Put the garage door down!!!" - don't want anybody to see my lil'(BIG) messes
8 books I have Read Lately:
*The Bible
*My VBS Directors Book
*My VBS Directors Book
*My VBS Directors Book - as you can tell - I'm up to my eyeballs planning for VBS
*My Do-it-Yourself Magazine
*Country Living
*Country Home
*My garden seed catalog - already planning for next spring in the greenhouse
8 movies I've seen 8 times:
*Pretty in Pink
*Top Gun
*Message in a Bottle
*Finding Nemo (watching it with Casen)
*Tom and Jerry (also another Casen favorite)
*That's all I can think of - not much of a TV watcher unless it is HGTV
8 Things I Am Working On: Oh MY MY MY! Where shall I begin!
*Trying to get my orders done
*Chopping out the garden
*Making all the props for Vacation Bible School
*Cleaning out the garage - it is a constant cycle - get rid of something - bring something else in - anybody else do stuff like this?
*Getting ready to rearrange the shop
*Painting, Painting, Painting - always painting something
*Getting my lil' boy ready to start Kindergarten :(
*Thinking of the next 80!!!! things I need to do! But I'm so grateful to be able to create things and be so very happy doing it.
8 People I Invite To Do This:
My sweet friend Ada Mae at www.adasadorableaprons.blogspot.com
My kind friend Michelle at www.ribbonsnrags.blogspot.com
My blogging friend Lisa at www.cranberryflats.blogspot.com
My blogging friend Tammy at www.countrygirlathome.blogspot.com
My blogging buddy Linda at www.behindmyreddoor.blogspot.com
Another blogging friend Nancy at www.southernlady-nancy.blogspot.com
My friend Denise at www.lookbeyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com
My friend Kelley at www.primrosesnpeonies.blogspot.com
Well, I had lots of fun doing this and I'll do my A-Z Meme soon! Everybody have a great start to your week!
Happy Sharing!
Cathy Cobblestone
Good morning, thanks for tagging me! I love stuff like that.
Yup I too am always getting rid of stuff then I seem to bring in something else to fill it's spot. It's an endless cycle!
Good luck getting ready for VBS. I miss those days! hugs, Linda
PS - forget to say, I'll do this a but later this week!!
Just like I thought You are a super busy lady, and a very thoughtful one.
Jean in Virginia
Thanks, Cathy, for tagging me! This sounds like fun! I'll post my answers sometime this week!
I loved reading all your answers! Have fun with VBS! We have Kids Crusade next week...which is taking the place of VBS this year...so we get a break as teachers and get to sit back and enjoy! I'm looking forward to it!
Have a great week!
...and now you've been nominated for an award!
Go to my blog and you will see the Blog Award in my sidebar that I am passing to you. Just copy the logo and display on your site and pass onto 7 more deserving bloggers. You must post their links on your blog if you pass the award to them.
Hi Cathy, I am so glad you like your gifts. Thank you so much for the tag. I will try to get to it this week. It has been crazy around here the last week, so I am so behind on posting and visiting everyone. Hope you have a great week. Nancy
This time I'm awarding you, come by and visit. You definitely deserve it!!
Thanks for the tag, I was tagged last week by Sugar Plum Cottage for 8 Things MeMe. I tried to do it twice last week and I had some computer issues. I will try again. I had fun answering the questions...my computer had other ideas.
Hey Shayne - glad you are getting those pumpkins going - simply mound up the soil - and bury the seeds about 2-3 inches deep - no need to be so particular - they will pop up as long as they are not to deep. You'll see lil' sprouts in just a few days. Good Luck - you are gonna have so much fun watching them grow! Cathy
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