Now tell me, what girl doesn't like a lil' fluff. Even us farmgirls like pretty polka dots!! Actually, I LOOOOOOOOVE polka dots and ribbons - I put them on whatever I can (except my lil' boy that is). A sweet young lady ask me to make these frames for her wedding attendants - yes, they are bright - but each frame matches the color of their dresses. It is going to be an outdoor wedding so I'm sure the colors will be splendid with all the lush greenery around. I think they are lots of fun.
Here's one up close - I thought what she wanted on them was sweet - "As my friend, you share my life, as my maid of honor, you share my dream". We changed the others to bridesmaid and one for a lil' flower girl.
Remember, if you find a plain picture frame, there's nothing a lil' paint and bow can't fix!!! Have fun and do something that makes you happy!
Happy Creating Friends,
Cathy Cobblestone
Gorgeous Cathy!
I love them! A great idea for any occasion! Your lettering is perfect!
What a great idea and you did a wonderful job on them!
How adorable Cathy. You're very creative. What a wonderful keepsake. Have a great Friday.
Jean in Virginia
Cathy, I LOVE THOSE!!!
Those are absolutely adorable frames....what a GREAT job you did on them. Really Cute!!!
Hello :O) I have a question about pumpkin planting :O) I have been thinking about what you had said to me about planting some with my twins, I would love too, but we don't have good ground-we live on a hill with mostly not so good fill dirt that is loaded with rock. I have been thinking about what I could do and I was wondering if you could tell me if making a small raised garden would work-I have a few 4x4's laying around and was going to stack them 2 high, fill it and then make a wire cover to go over them because we have coons, squirrel, posums', ground hogs, skunks, and many birds all over the back yard. If it would work were do I get pumpkin seeds? Didn't know if the ones on the seed shelf at walmart would truly work-we are surrounded by farming here so I didn't know if an ag. place would be better. Sorry this was so long :O) any tips would would be a blessin!
Shayne Louree
Hi Shayne, I'm in a bit of hurry to get to work right now but I will e-mail you with all the details - pumpkins are so easy to grow - you'll love it. Be looking for the e-mail in the next day or so - blessings to ya and yes, happy plantin'. Cathy
Hi Shayne, I'm back - I was gonna e-mail ya but your mail wasn't enabled. Long story short though, it caused me to browse you blog and read about your sweet Wyatt. Bless him, I do hope things improve. What a touching story. I assume your other son is fine with no health problems - even though I'm sure it is difficult on him watching his twin struggle. I'll remember you and your family in prayer.
As far as the pumpkin questions you had, you can buy those seed at a chain store or local agri business - any should be fine. You won't need many cause you'll have several fruit off of each vine. You were asking about a raised bed - that would be fine even though I don't know if it is necessary. Pumpkins are pretty tough - they grow even in poor soil. But if you go with the raised bed just remember to keep it moist because they have a tendency to dry out. We plant about 4-5 seed per "hill" (just cluster them together). I'm certain they will over take your raised bed and grow all outside the box so be prepared for that - they get kind of "wild". They only thing besides animal problems would be what we call "squash" bugs - they get in the vine and hollow it out causing the vine to die. You will notice this if there is sudden wilt or yellowing in your vines. Best thing to do is spray them from the time they pop up. I don't know how you feel about chemicals but there are some organic treatments I'm sure.
Just have fun with it - you really don't have to be that particular with them just keep them weeded. You can save your seed from this years harvest to plant next summer. Any other questions - just let me know. Be sure and keep me posted on how they are growing. You gotta plant quick cause it is getting a lil' late. Have fun and happy plantin'! Cathy
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