This is my sweet son, Casen. Today was his first day of Kindergarten - a very bittersweet day for me. I'm grateful that he was happy and excited to go but at the same time, I felt like I left my heart in that classroom. I teared up and he said "Mommy, you are just sad 'cause I'm not gonna be with you today" and I said, "Yes" and he simply said, "It's O.K., I'm gonna be alright". So, I had to dry it up and be strong for him. He has been blessed with two wonderful teachers and I know it is gonna be a great start to his education. But Oh My, it was a tear jerker.
This is the front door to the home where I helped with a wedding over the weekend. Now, doesn't that just look like a happy way to enter a home! I had discussed with my dear friend, Kathy, a color for her front door just for this special occasion - and we decided on yellow - I don't think she could have picked a happier color! I love it!
Sorry I've been gone for a few days - now I've got so much to tell ya, I'll never get it in one post. But jus' so ya know - in the next few days - I'll show you some pictures of the wedding I just helped with, a delicious food table from another event I assisted with and I'm also gonna toot the horn of another one of my sweet friends. Now, let me jus' tell ya - you are gonna crack up when you hear the name of her lil' venture - but she is Oh So talented. If you have a lil' girl, granddaughter, or jus' know a special young lady - you are gonna love her hair bows!!!!!
I'll be talkin' with ya real soon!
Cathy Cobblestone
I can't imagine how hard it was to leave your son at school, but how comforting were his words-so sweet!
Hope he has a wonderful first year and it's the start of many more!
Shayne Louree
Well if that picture of the door was a tease at to what is to come, I can't wait.
Casen looks so handsome for her first day in kindergarten. What a big day for all of you! Just think how sweet it will be when you re unite after class is over. I so loved greeting the school bus at the end of the day!
Looking forward to more pics of the wedding!
Kathy, I know how you feel, I remember when mine started kindergarten, now thier almost 19 and 17 :( I can't wait to see pics of the wedding. Blessings nancy
Hey Cathy!
Wow! you have been busy. Your little guy looks like a real sweetheart, and yes that first day of school is bittersweet, isn't it?
I really love the floral basket. Did you do that?? It's beautiful!
Kids are so sincere and smart. He sounds like a sweetie. The front door is beautiful, can't wait to see more photos. You just keep on being a "strong Mommy". He will do great in kindergarten. Have a wonderful day.
Jean in Virginia
I remember that first day of school and yeah it was both Lexi or I can't wait for her to go back because she just loves it. She is bored constantly throughout the summer though we try to do a bunch of stuff....I just can't compete with her school friends
Oh my that is the most beautiful arrangement on the door I think I have ever seen!!!!! Just gorgeous!! I can't wait to see more about the wedding.
Oh my, I can't believe it's time for school already. He sounds like an independent little fellow. Good for him being so strong and brave. He does look handsome.
I can't wait to see your pics of the festivities you were involved in over the weekend!!
That is a great picture of you and Casen in the Green River Sun. Are you wiping a tear?????
He looks so cute! I can remember my kids first day of school like it was yesterday. I was lucky that they both loved school!
That front door is so pretty.
I am looking forward to seeing your pictures from all the events.
Ada Mae - my dear friend - yes I was definitely cryin' in that picture you saw - I couldn't hold back the tears - it was just hard letting him go. But so far he loves it - so that is Great!
Cathy - I did make the door piece - thank you for the compliment - glad you liked it!
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