Oh This Day was ABSOLUTELY Beautiful!!!!! Couldn't hardly go inside - and I didn't much - people are starting to get spring fever soooo they ventured out Cobblestone way to see what's in bloom and ready to plant. Flowers just put a "spring" in every one's step and it is amazing how excited they get and how a lil' color brings so much happiness.
Thought I'd give you a couple of quick ideas you might like to try in your garden. These lil' iron plant holders are easy to find at flea markets, yard sales, good ole' junk stores and they have a lot of great uses. Here you will see our cute black & white pots placed on it filled with some fresh asparagus fern. I used it in the fall with all types of beautiful gourds and pumpkins placed on it. You could epoxy clay pots to it and just change the flowers out for each season - so many possibilities.
Secondly, is an old ladder Mom was putting in the trash. Actually, this idea came from her 'cause last year she used it on her porch. She actually tied her ferns to it and had them all up and down the rungs - so cute and the height made a great statement. You could also place pots on each level, securing them, fill 'em with pretties, add a birdhouse and the list goes on. Just Imagine!!
Happy Creating!!!
Cathy Cobblestone
those are some cute potted plants.
Lakewood flowers
Going to find me an old ladder this year. Then I can be just like you when I grow up.
Nice weather here too at last. I put lots of stuff on my front porch. Next week I will buy some hanging baskets. They can always come in if it turns cold again. NO!!! Bet you get really busy this weekend! I hope so.
I like the black and white painted pots. They would add intrest to any garden. I am trying to get my deck in shape and I am planning a trip to my local garden shop later today.
I love the old ladder. I have used that idea to place my plants on each level. I love the idea that your Mom used it with ferns. Enjoy your pictures very much.Connie
Love how you used that old ladder! It looks incredible. Now the search begins ...
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