I'm sure you all know this already - to have a pineapple of some sort at your entry means welcome and hospitality. So for that reason alone - EVERYBODY needs a pineapple to welcome their guests - wouldn't you agree? Now there are just all sorts of ways to do this - you could paint a pineapple on a sign, place a pineapple on a wreath, or simply make it easy and buy a concrete one!!!
Shaun, my better half, is an agriculture teacher and just so happens to have a student who's family makes their living making and selling concrete!!! We love doing business with them and it allows us to have some nice garden accents to offer.
Now normally this picture would be just a bit to drab for me - but there was just something very striking that caught my attention with the tone on tone and the grouping of all different kinds of pineapples makes a neat statement.
So make your guests feel welcome and greet them with the symbol of hospitality - oh, and better yet, fresh from the oven homemade cookies probably wouldn't hurt!!
Happy Day! Cathy Cobblestone