I've got a lil' project for you today and I think it is one you will love! Do you have any garden tools that have seen better days - they've worked so hard tending your lovely flowers that they are just simply ready to retire? Well, I've got lots of them and somehow I seem to collect them from everybody else also - old shovels with broken handles, rakes, trowels and the list goes on. Thing of it is, I love them all - the castaways can always find a home stuck in flower pots, hung on the shed or simply nestled in with other garden goods on a great farmhouse table - for indoors or out.
Since it is hard for me to part with anything - I had plenty of "stuff" to work with today. Here is a list of a few things you will need: Old garden hose, some type of discarded tool, a few flowers, a small bucket, anything nature related for an added touch like a bird nest, twigs, gloves, a lil' sign, (whatever you can imagine), some wire, cutters, Styrofoam and a lil' moss. Simply begin by looping your old garden hose that has sprung a leak, secure with wire, nestle in any large or small garden tool, secure it as well, hang a small bucket from the top, insert Styrofoam, and arrange your flowers and special touches to your likin'.
There you have it, the perfect "garden hose wreath". OH SO CUTE on a potting shed or garden gate. Mine is going on the porch for now and soon it will welcome all our Greenhouse Visitors!!
I didn't buy a single thing for this project - Look around and turn your trash into treasure. Happy Piddlin'! Cathy Cobblestone
athy, that is a very good idea. It is always fun to see what one can come up with. Trash to Treasure--right on! MB
I love this wreath! Must go around and find all the makin's now . . . and please send some of your springtime weather north a little bit. I'm ready for spring fever.
It's perfect!
I'm loving looking through some of your older posts on this snowy day in December. What a great project! I just have to figure out how to bookmark it to get back to it when I can get to the garden shed!
I have never seen anything like this! Sooo beautiful.
I posted this on my craft site (www.twoheartstogether) with a direct link to you for my visitors get can in the the fun ideas too!
You can visit the post where your site was featured here:
This was just shared on FB today. I love it. It's sooo creative. I'm glad you did the close up to help us see the detail. I pinned it for inspiration.
Hope your day is Extraordinary!
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