Sooooo, here we go!
This first pic is of my hubby and his dear friend, Tommy, who was absolutely instrumental in helping up repair the barn. Shaun could not have done it without him - Thanks a million Tommy!
O.K. - metal is on - and up goes the first side of the quilt!!!!! (now, that's dangerous - they are standing in the bucket of the tractor)
This is just a quick picture of the hay rolls in the barn - I just love how they look and it always smells so good - jus' like the country.
Here it is - The "Christmas Star" Barn quilt - all in my favorite colors - bright yellow, true red and kelly green.
In full view - this is what it looks from our house and it can easily be seen from the main road. I'm just so thrilled with it.
I want to thank our local Arts Council who worked very hard on this project. Many hours were spent laying off the pattern and painting. I did get to help - but they definitely did most of the work. We will treasure it for many years to come. We have always loved our farm and have taken great pride in it and now - we jus' love it a lil' more.
Merry Christmas from our farm to yours!
Cathy Cobblestone
It's just wonderful, Cathy. I love it.
OH Cathy is it spectacular!! I wish I could see it in person. Enjoy every glimpse of it!!
That is very, very cool. Where did you get the idea?
That is so cool, I LOVE it!!!
I think this is the best one I've seen...LOVE the colors too! You shoud be's great!
That is so looks amazing on your barn!
CATHY IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I just love it, I can't wait to see it in person!
Hopefully, once people see yours they will want one as well! Tell them who to call! :)
Oh it is just wonderful. I would not have thought of this idea how cool! This reminds me of the barns in the Amish country with the signs on the barns. Love it!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Beautiful, Beautiful art!
Hello Cathy Dear!
I love your Christmas Star quilt! It looks wonderful on your awesome barn! You store looks like it is filled with so many goodies!
Thinking of you and wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
awesome!!! love it.
It looks grand!
That is wonderful! The colors the design. It makes me happy just looking at I know it does you! Merry Christmas Cathy! Cherry
That is just beautiful! It looks so great on the black barn!
How fantastic! I love it!!!!
I just love it!
Cathy ~
I LOVE your barn quilt!! Looks so neat. The colors are bright and cheerful, just like you:)
Hi Cathy,
What a creative idea. It looks so perfect and I think your barn will become a landmark, folks will be driving by just to see the quilt on the Cobblestone(Family)Farm Barn!
Great Job.
Merry Christmas,
I agree it is stunning. I can only imagine how it looks if I were driving by your place.
I love it!!! I have enjoyed visiting your blog. So many beautiful things. I am going to add you to my list so I can come and visit more often.
Ruth from MJF
Pretty and Kewl!!!
What a sight to see driving down the road. It is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
The quilt on your barn looks nice!
Merry Christmas!
I bet you could sit and look at it all day. How nice that everyone can see it from the road. Love the colors. The polka dots would of been fantastic.
Just wanted to let you know, I used the money from the cards to buy presents for Toys for Tots.
We are making a few kids happy this Christmas.
Yesterday, I made a few small pots l similar to the ones you posted. Thanks for the idea! You are great like that. You inspire a lot of people. I hope to post them Sunday or Monday.
It looks fantastic!!! I love it! And i love seeing all the hay in the barn!!! :)
Looks great! I have always loved the rolls of hay as I have gone by a farm. They are beautiful!
Merry Christmas!
Absolutely amazing! I love it :)
What a unbeleivable thing to do. It looks wonderful. The colors are perfect. A great addition to a country setting.
Merry Christmas Cathy
Hugs, Jean in Virginia
Awesome!! I just love the little peeks at your home and shop.
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