...to be able to be HOME tonight and safe with my family. Unfortunately, today I was taking my mom and grandmother home and we were involved in a car accident. I had my sweet son with me and it is still all very fresh on my mind just how quickly my life could have been turned upside down. We are so very lucky to have escaped injury and had significant impact on both sides of the vehicle. We are all sore and still a lil' shook up but I'm just so incredibly grateful that the good Lord was watching over us all today like HE always is. The others involved in the accident escaped major injuries as well and I'm also so thankful for that also.
I'm so blessed tonight to still have my family safe and I'm incredibly grateful.
Hug your loved ones,
Glad you and your family are safe. Home is absolutely a wonderful place to be. Even if we don't have mansions, when we are sick or sad or hurt, the one and only place we really want to be is Home.
I am thankful no one was hurt. Makes you realize just how things can change in a moment. Hope you get rest tonight.
I'm so glad you all are okay! The Lord was watching over you all! He's so good to us everyday!
I am so glad you are all OK and HOME too!! I hpe you are not too sore when you get up today!!
Mom just told me about your wreck. I am so thankful you are okay...You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anything I'm here for you!
I am happy to hear you are all safe! I've only been in minor accidents myself and they can just shake you so much!! I get unnerved just driving by accidents, again-happy you are all okay<><
Shayne Louree
Awwwwe Cathy how frightening! But I'm glad to hear your are all ok and home safe. Take it easy for a few days and take a nice long hot bath!!
Oh I am so sorry that happened but yes...Thank God you are OK!
I know how fast something like that can happen! Beth
Cathy, God was truly watching over you and your family. Things can happen so quickly. I'm glad all of you are OK.
I have enjoyed reading your blog so much over the past few weeks. I am so thankful you and your family escaped serious injury when you had your accident. I pray you all will rest comfortably over the weekend.
in OK
Sorry to hear that! Thank the Lord for his protection.
Get some rest for those aching muscles.
I am thankful that you all are okay. A wreck, in a matter of seconds, can change people's lives forever. Rest and take it easy.
Really glad you all were not seriously hurt. There is definetly No Place Like Home, especially with your family all safe and sound.
Jean in Virginia
I have only recently found your blog and been reading it.
God had His angels watching over you and yours for sure. Thank Him for His grace and kindnesses. I am so glad to hear that no one was seriously innjured.Hope you are not too stiff today.
I will offer my thanks and prayers for you today!
OH,Cathy...Praise God you all are okay! There's no place like home. I love the HOME letters. Nancy
So glad your family is safe. When things aren't just right with the world, home is the place to be!
Hi Cathy,
Doesn't it just make you so mad when something like this happens. Of course we are so thankful that no one was hurt seriously and we do thank God!, but now getting the car fixed and having to get a rental and all the insurance stuff. I know how you feel we have experienced a car accident too, all you want to do is just hold each other tight.
~Big Hugs to All~
I love the cute fall ornamnets. They are such a delight I am new to your blog, I enjoyed everything, keep up the inspirations.
Melanie Liljenquist
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