They are so simple to grow - yet so beautiful at the same time. Gourds are one of my very-very favorite fall things. Stripes and solids in an array of colors - many shades of the season - even some "warty" ones - all unique and interesting on their own.
My lil' green birdcage display - filled with some of my favorites. Fill up a bowl with gourds for a beautiful fall arrangement - add in some baby ears of Indian corn, some twigs of bittersweet and there you have it - a GOURDeous centerpiece.
Everybody have a great Friday! This weekend I'll be going to my friend Frannie's to meet with farmgirls from all over the United States. We are visiting a sheep farm, making a "gourd" garland, learning to make dolls - oh - I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I'll be sure and tell ya all about it next week.
Blessings to you all!
Cathy Cobblestone
Love that gorgeous birdcage with it's Fall display!
What a beautiful picture!!! LOVE it!!
Hey Cathy! Molly and I are going to come and see you tomorrow! We have to get out of the house for a little bit!
Found your lovely blog through Cherry. That birdcage is the color!
What a great display!
All those gourds are wonderful~ I just love them !
Cathy, your gourds are beautiful!
Love all your recent posts, especially the headboard/footboard conversion! And aren't you just so lucky to go see Miss Frannie? Say hi to all the FarmGirls for me. What a beautiful time for a gatherin'.
I love gords. They are always a big part of my fall decor. It just would feel like fall to me without them.
I love all of your pictures & the guourds are wonderful. I am going to grow some next year because I always end up buying so many. Enjoy the weekend.
Cathy, I just love coming over to see your pics. They always make me smile. The gourds are gourdeous for sure. hehe And my fav too.
The display of goards is wonderful.Hope you and the Farm girls have a wonderful time. Have a good weekend.
Jean in Virginia
Hi Cathy, I love the birdcage display! It's very unique! Nancy
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