Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just so you know...

...I've missed posting but blogger won't let me upload any pics - I've done everything I think I'm supposed to do to fix it - but nonetheless, "upload now" is still disabled. Anybody else having problems or is it just me?
Any who - have a beautiful start to your week - it has finally quit raining here and the temps are falling - loooooooove it!!!!
Have a blessed day,


  1. hi, do your pics need resized? i have trouble with various things on here all the time, stop by & say hi gio

  2. Cathy, were you not able to figure out the photobucket thing? shoot me an email - I'll help you out - I can do one for you and then you can see what I'm talking about!!

    We HAVE to have YOUR beautiful pictures!!


  3. If I knew how to help I would do so, but I'd be lost. I sure hope you can get it fixed because your pictures are absolutely beautiful. Have a great day!

  4. Shoot CAthy....I have had problems like that..where I click on the upload and it does not respond..but usually after a works. I am with Tidy Mom...HAVE got to have my CAthy pics for the week. Hope she can help. cherry

  5. Cathy, You have a great and blessed day too. Hope to see your wonderful photos real soon.
    Jean in Virginia

  6. I had trouble with that and was going crazy.. and then I realized right on the bottom I had to click something that said "I accept that the pictures are mine"... or something like that.. and voila.. it worked...

  7. Thanks to everybody who posted and sent e-mails. I so appreciate you taking the time to try and help me - being that I'm soooooo not computer savvy. Thanks so very much! Cathy

  8. Flip Flop mom - you are kidding me??? I have never seen that!

    ok, I just checked on mine, it does not say that- weird why is it on some? I'm assuming it's on the popup where you upload the pics?

    So glad you were able to get it fixed though Cathy!!


  9. Hi Cathy! You asked who else has problems with blogging! I am unable to make a new post on my blog, so had to transfer all my stuff over to a new blog. I love your blog and live in South Africa. Please have a peep at my blog. It's- for the lovely blog. Take care. Regards. riekie


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy