Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I figured it out...

...thanks to the comment from "flipflopmom". Everybody was so kind to help me and offer advice - but her answer was just what it took to straighten out the "picture posting problem". So thank you - thank you. Now I'm back in the swing of things!
I've been wearing my polka-dot rain boots a lot lately - but not today - it is gonna be another BEEEEEAUTIFUL day!
Happy Wednesday!
p.s. - Y'all are wanting to know where I got these rain boots, aren't you? -
Wal-Mart - last year - they were a sweet gift from my precious sister, Stephanie


  1. I'm so glad you figured out the problem. I had no idea why your pictures wouldn't upload as I'm not too computer savvy. LOVE your beautiful picture and those are darling polka-dot rainboots. Glad it is going to be a beautiful day for you!♥

  2. ...and what lovely boots they are! I can never find anything that sweet since I'm such a big foot!

    And I'm glad things are business as usual for you with blogging... keep those pictures coming!

    Have a great day, Kimberly

  3. WAIT a minute Cathy..don't you go off and NOT tell us where you got those rain boots. I HAVE to have a pair. Please? Beautiful always. cherry

  4. SO HAPPY that you have it figured out! I love your pictures! Where did you find those rain boots? They are just the cutest ones I've seen. I don't have any...but would buy some like these and enjoy wearing them out in the rain!

  5. Hey, love your fall pictures! Are you finished selling mums yet? We're right sold out.....YEEHA!

  6. I'm so glad you're back in the photo business. You have a beautiful blog.


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy