...yummy blackberry jam...
...and freezing DEEEEEELISHious Bodacious sweet corn - mmm-mmm
There is no way I could have gotten all my garden stuff done without the wonderful help of my in-laws and my mom and dad. It simply just would not have happened - so THANK YOU my family for pitching in - yet again. I love you all!
Anybody else in the garden? What have you been working on?
Everybody have a great day!
We canned several jars of green beans this year. And one puny jar of tomatoes. The blackberry jam sounds delicious!
beautiful! I have been meaning to post my green beans! I need to get some more! I have put up, so far, zucchini, green beans and corn! YUM!
I just think canning is so neat but have no clue how to do it. LOVE all of those rows of yummy goodness!!! I think you know how to do EVERYTHING!!!!♥
YEEEEEES!! I feel as if I have lived in the garden for two weeks. I will be glad of it this winter. Hope you all are doing well.
I have never heard of half runner green beans, but they look good!
So does the blackberry jam!
Take care
Everything looks delish! I have put up strawberries, and lots of them, and have made some seedless raspberry jam. Our gardens are far behind yours! We have gotten a few green beans and a few summer squash...and soon we hope to have tomatoes because I like to can salsa!
Your pics are gorgeous, nothing like freshly preserved vegetables from the garden!
Hi Cathy---
Well haven't you been a busy bee!
It all looks DELISH! Your garden is W A Y bigger than ours but...
we have made 2 batches of Salsa
with our tomatoes and peppers.
(see my blog for the recipe)
I borrowed Hickory Hollow's
refrigerator pickel recipe
and used fresh cucs from the
neighbor's garden. YUM! YUM!
Enjoy your goodies :)
Oh goodness. Lately I've felt like I've been living in my garden. I just posted about that, in fact! All the hard work is so worth it, though.
Your canned goods look wonderful! We traveled too much this summer to have much of a garden and I will miss it terribly. I hope Shaun is doing well.
Hi Cathy, and as always everything you do is top quality. Could you please link my kindlelight blessings spot to http://kindlelightblessings.blogspot.com instead of website. I'm still tring to decide if I should continue it. The web site is so much work for me, especially since I'm not great at computers, I do better at the blog. I may in the future need to open it back up, but right now busy busy busy with candles and air fresheners. Thanks friend, Linda @ Kindlelight Blessings
busy, busy girl!! it all looks so yummy:)
They all look so delicious and just think you will have it all winter. Connie
Looks delicious. :) I'm glad you are hanging in there.
Cathy, Everything looks so good. I can just taste the jam on a piece of toast. It has been many, many years since I have canned anything, but is always worth the trouble when you are enjoying them later.
How is your Hubby doing now? It is always so hard to watch a loved one go thru hard things. You all have a wonderful weekend.
Jean in Virginia
Hi Cathy! Looks like you are having a busy summer! You got a smart family ..lol.....ya don't think they won't enjoy this at those family dinners?! How's Shaun doin?
....friends stitched together by embroidery threads.....
Here in Michigan, we are a week behind our normal harvest due to cool temps, but it's been one of the best years for fruit I can remember! I've put up raspberry jelly, strawberry jam, in process of freezing blueberries and will get those amazing fall golden raspberries yet to come. Still have tomato products, harvest stew, beans and relish to do yet! Just getting started here and inspired by your photos! I don't have help any more, but I still love it!
I would say you have been one busy lady, and it a way your canning is a craft that you do very well. Also would make good Christmas gifts in December..........Sharon K
Cathy, I have awarded you with the One Lovely Blog Award. Go to my blog to claim it and copy&paste to your blog. Connie
YES--in the garden lots and lots! One of my favorite places to be. I have three veggie gardens three flower gardens and about 30 pots of flowers...so you know what that means! I love it though. All your canning looks beautiful. We are a little later here so I have not done any canning yet. Hope you can stop by for a visit soon.
Mmmm! Your green beans and jams look so yummy!
Your canning is amazing. I must learn how! This was supposed to be the summer of canning for me, but I got pregnant, so it's the summer of nausea. Maybe next summer!
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