Today... I'm simply asking for your prayers. We all have special people in our lives that struggle with health concerns. Sometimes the diagnosis comes unexpectedly and other times we might anticipate it - but nevertheless, it is overwhelming for that person affected as well as their families.
I'm all about trying to share uplifting stories here. But I've learned through this venture that there are mighty prayer warriors out there - so I'm asking for you to do just that - pray.
Please pray for these very special people in our lives, our dear friends and family- who have all been given sad news this week.
Sweet Lynn
Precious Lil' Jackson
Our friend, Bill
My mom, Brenda

I'm all about trying to share uplifting stories here. But I've learned through this venture that there are mighty prayer warriors out there - so I'm asking for you to do just that - pray.
Please pray for these very special people in our lives, our dear friends and family- who have all been given sad news this week.
Sweet Lynn
Precious Lil' Jackson
Our friend, Bill
My mom, Brenda
The Gift of Faith Having a Place in Your Life
As a knot appears unexpectedly in a thread, so disappointment blocks the smoothness of life. If a few deft strokes can untangle the skein, life continues evenly. But if it cannot be corrected, then it must be quietly woven into the design. Thus, the finished piece can still be beautiful - even though not as perfect as planned.
For any weaving that needs to be done, God sends the threads. - Italian proverb
May your day be blessed and remember where there is good health - there is great wealth.
Blessings, Cathy
I will hold all those special people in my heart and prayers.♥
Cathy,dear blog friend, prayers for all coming your way. I truly do beleive prayers make a difference.
Jean in virginia
I'll be praying for your friends and family!
One of my pastors once shared with me that our lives our like tapestries.
We see the underside ~ full of knots and tangles ~ but God sees the beautiful design of the tapestry.
We just have to trust Him to complete His work.
I love your "anonymous" quote - thanks for sharing it!
Hi Cathy,
Aren't we blessed that we can seek out friends who will pray with and for us? You are such a true friend to so many. I will honor your request by praying for your loved ones and friends. God Bless you, from your friend Linda @ Kindlelight Blessings
I will also keep these people who mean so much to you in my thoughts and prayers.
And you too my dear...that the days will soon be filled with better news and hearts will once again become lightened.
Cathy I will raise these special people to you in my prayers.
You have my prayers.
You writing is beautiful. I'm stopping right now to pray for these four people. Prayer can move mountains.
My dad is about to start radiation in a few weeks. I really needed to read this blog today. Thanks!
I believe in the power of prayer Cathy, may God bless each one of them.
Since Thursday is prayer request day on my blog (how appropriate...that's God!!), I hope you don't mind that I'm going to link your request to my own blog. I only know you thru blogging...but I feel a closeness...that's how it is when we are sisters in Christ!!! I have chills just typing that statement!!!
In His Love...and with mine...Deb
You all are in my thoughts.
I know we're only blog buds, but you can always e-mail.
♥♥♥ prayers coming your way my friend ♥♥♥
I will keep you and your friends and family in my prayers.
Ms. Cathy...just wanted to know that I gave you a little award for an "Attitude of Gratitude". If you get a chance, check out my blog to see it. I'm so glad that God led me to your site!!
Hope you have a blessed day!!
In His Love...Debbie
Marie's pastor's tapestry "words of wisdom" are just beautiful, and so true. We had a pastor once that quite often used the phrase "Instead of worrying, we ought to pray." I have tried to put that into practice. At first you have to make a conscious effort, then praying becomes second nature.
I will certainly remember your friends and family in my prayers.
I will hold all of these people in prayer. YOur words really hit home for my family this week. WE have suffered a great loss. Please keep my family in your prayers.
God Bless.
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