O.K. - I must be honest, a lot of this has to do with ME having "the need" to do something bright colored, polka-dotted, glittery (ya know, all the things lil' boys don't like)and besides, he's at that age when girls "are gross". Jus' kiddin' - he really likes his "girl - friends" but he doesn't want any "girlfriends".
So this is our lil' project we completed that he can share with his kindergarten "buddies" we'll call them.
You all know the recipe:
2c. all purpose flour
1c. salt
1c. warm water
Mix well and shape in the form of a heart with your hands. You can use cookie cutters of course - I like them kind of imperfect looking.
Be sure and make a loop out of wire and insert before baking. Bake at 325 degrees for approximately 1 hour.
Let cool.
We base coated ours red but of course pink would be cute or lavender. Actually you could paint them like that candy you buy that is all different pastel shades with the cute lil' words "Kiss Me", "I Luv U", "Be Mine" - but Casen said "Mom, that's embarrassing."
So I simply put some pink polka dots on there as well as the initial of each lil' girl in his class.
I clear coated with modge podge and sprinkled a lil' clear glitter on top.
So there you have it - a bowl full of fun...
...and a lil' love to boot.
Now tomorrow, I've got to come up with something for the boys - any last minute ideas?
Happy Valentines Week my friends!!!
Blessings, Cathy
SO SO Cute I love them I want one I am making these so cute!
Love your salt dough valentines! I may do that this weekend. I had the same "glittery and glue" need a couple of weeks ago when we made ornaments for our Valentine tree. My two boys weren't nearly as excited about the project as I was.
Hi Cathy,
Another cute-cute-cute idea. I want to be in Casen's class and get one!
The wreath I bought the other day- perfect in my bathroom.
See you soon, and love your craft!
Good idea and they are adorable! Thanks for sharing.
Too Cute!!!! :-)
Cathy, these are darling. What a clever idea. Can't wait to see the boys....Sherie
I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made a signature for you, is your email working now?
I love them! You are so crafty!! I have to try this for sure. I think I want to make ornaments for a holiday tree and some necklaces too for a few of the girl students at school.
You are so inspirational! Thank you!!
What a cute idea! You're a Great Mom! Love the idea! My girls are past that age. :(
This is funny - just this morning I was thinking "I wonder what salt dough project Cathy will do for V-Day" LOL Those are SO cute!!!
You are so talented Cathy!!
These are adorable...
I just may have to try and make these!
Hi Cathy...The Girly Grands are coming tomorrow and we LOVE to make anything with glitter...thanks for the idea! You rock as a Mom...
P.S. Having a little contest...come see!
Your valentine ornies are wonderful!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
Those are absolutely the CUTEST!! LOVE them! Thanks for always showing us your adorable projects.♥
These are just the sweetest things I have ever seen . I am a new reader and I love your blog! I linked to you in a post I did today on Valentine's Day. I hope you don't mind!!!
Those are so cute. I tried to send you an e-mail, but it came back due to fatal errors on your end?
Is everything okay?
Hi Cathy,
You are such a GREAT and FUN Mom!Casen will remember all fun he had with Mom while growing up (these are the days to hold close to your heart)
Have a great day,
How lucky are these little girls (and the teacher) to have your son in their class. You are SO CREATIVE!!!
Another inspiring idea from you to me. Your son is so fortunate to have you as his mother. Those hearts are so adorable...what little girl won't like to receive one of them?? As for an idea for the guys...sorry, I am a mother of three daughters.
I love these! I wanna make some too! Thanks for the idea!
Very very cute! I don't have any ideas for the boys, but I am sure you will come up with something grand! Happy Valentines to you, Nancy
Those are adorable! Happy Valentines Day!
Those are so cute!!! Love them, wish I was in his class:)
Kathy, It's been so long since I've made these. Thanks for posting the how to again. I want to make some Christmas ornaments for my tree this year and this would be ideal for that..just roll them out very thin so they'll be lightweight..oh, I'm excited just thinking of it...plus this will be my first tree I've put in I can't even remember... it's been a long time...It'll be Christmas in the cabin in the Smoky's of Tennessee this year!! woohoo...LOL :0)
Have a grand week,
Queen of Dreamsz
What a clever idea! The girls in your son's class are going to LOVE their necklaces!
I left a little something for you at my blog!
Those are really cute & the possibilities are endless with them!
Darling!!! Gotta to try and do this with my little grands!!! Thanks for the idea. Sharon
Those are absolutely adorable!!
Cathy, Mrs. Creativity, The necklaces are adorable with the checked red ribbon. Happy Valentines Day,
Jean in Virginia
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