....that old blue bed frame I bought on my "I hit the Jackpot" venture. Well, with a lil' elbow grease and my papaw's magic - here it is now!!!!!!
Isn't it so pretty! I think he jus' did a wonderful job. We painted it black and my sweet mamaw, Ruby covered it for me. Actually this is the fabric that I have my curtains made of in my bedroom - so it is really hard for me to part with this one. But it simply won't fit, otherwise, I think I'd simply have to keep it 'cause I love it!!!!
For those of you who'd like to try this yourself - it is real simple. Find a pretty bed that you like - you can find them at auctions, estate sales, "junk" stores - really jus' about anywhere. Simply use the side rails to marry the headboard and foot board together. Brace the seat with a piece of plywood being sure to put extra support underneath it so you won't have any sagging. Paint it in a color you love and simply cover the plywood using foam, your favorite fabric and a handy dandy staple gun (I couldn't live without one of these things). If you don't wish to cover the seat - you can paint it out and simply add throw cushions or store bought "bench" cushions. Another lil' tip - as you know, foam is extremely expensive - this piece on this bench pushing $50.00 - so that can be an investment all its own. However, check with your local carpet store to see if they have any scrap carpet padding - that has been left over from a job - see if it is available for sale (could get lucky and get it for free). Keep putting the layers together for the desired thickness. Just a lil' tidbit to make it more economical.
Anyway, I told you guys I'd share with you the projects as we got them completed - thought you might enjoy this one.
We had a splendid fall harvest gathering and I thank all of you for your well-wishes. I'll be sharing some pictures with you soon. Blessings to you all!!!
Cathy Cobblestone
That turned out so great. Love the fabric, too.
That is brilliant. I love the black. I have a bed that I have wanted to do that with for several years....it is up in the rafters. I just love to visit you. OHHHH I did the salt dough bowl fillers...I will be psting them soon. Glad your doggie is better. cherry
That is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL....I LOVE it!!! It turned out so well, I would be hard pressed to give that up!
Also, love your new header....you always have the prettiest headers!
Oh, and I enjoyed the Rod Stewart song playing while I visited you.
That is wonderful! I have that fabric for my kitchen curtains.
Oh my goodness, what a treat to find this AM...I love it! I am so doing this with old bed I have sitting in my basement! Thanks for the inspiration! Everything is so pretty!
Warm Regards,
Wow, how beautiful that turned out, thanks for showing such a great redo! I'm sure alot of us would love to have it but I just wouldn't have the room either:) Just great, wonderful job!
Love your header BTW!
Oh Cathy! That is so adorable! I am like you, I would have a hard time parting with it. It is just beautiful!
Your bench is fantastic! It turned out perfectly!
I LOVE it!!!!!
You did great. The end result is fantastic. You can't go wrong with the black and white. I would have a hard time letting it go too. Oh well....theres always something else. Have a great day.
Jean in Virginia
That's gorgeous! I love it and I've never seen something done like that~very nice!
This turned out great! I am thinking of a bed that I passed on to someone that would have been perfect....oh,well
I've seen this done before and yours is just beautiful. LOVE IT!
Your bench turned out really great! Thanks for sharing.
Happy Fall to you ~ enjoy the season!
That is beautiful. I love it.
Just love it!!! That would be a hard one to part with.
Nancy Jo
Love it. mishelle
Hi Cathy,
How cute is this!. I would keep it. So now that you have given me such a great idea, I must go out and find an old bed frame. Thank you for sharing your wonderful bench.
Enjoy your day,
This is great, I'm going to keep my eyes open to be creative just like this sometime (soon I hope)!!
Wow, just simply stunning!
Will have to show this to my hubby and see if we can do this. I know a perfect spot for it in my house!!
BTW, glad the dog is doing okay. He is such a sweet looking, looks like a stuff animal I must say! :)
I so want to do that! Now I just have to find a space! That is incredibly creative. I love your blog.
Just found you through Cherry and had to comment to another Kentucky girl. While I only lived there for a short time as a teenager I have a special place in my heart for the Bluegrass state:)
I'm gonna try to make those dough ornaments with my girls! They are so cute!
This is about the cutest bench I have ever seen! I really love it!!!
LOVE IT!!!! The bench is a beauty. Good work!
Morning friend..that is a fantaic idea!!! It turned out great and I love that you painted it black! I cam over from Cherry's Jubilee and I am so glad I did...I love your blog and all the great inspiration and ideas! Have a great weekend!
That is simply amazing...it's the perfect color...I also love the fabric on the seat.
Hi! I'm here from Cherry's.
I absolutely adore the bench! Definitely gonna have to make me one!
I found you from Cherry's Jubilee. I love your fun, cute things. So many wonderful ideas. Thank you for sharing.
Your bench is precious! I created something similar with a single size frame, only I am really liking your black with the pretty cushion! Plus the size! How grand! I am placing your name as a favorite and will be coming again. Thank you for showing your lovely pictures!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I think my jaw just unhindged! Absolutely amazing and so so clever! I found you through Cherry and boy am I glad, what an amazing blog you have :)
Wow! I am utterly impressed. Now I'm going to be on the lookout for a cheap bed on craigslist. It's perfect!
I have the perfect spot for that bench! It turned out gorgeous. I wonder if I could get my hubby to help me with a project like that. Hmmm...
Debbie in Florida
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