Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Fresh Cut and Country Style...

...Flowers that is!  

Now taking fresh cut flower orders!  I've been growing flowers for years - nearly 20 actually.  Nothing fancy...just the old time favorites that everyone loves.

They are simply lined up in rows near the garden...

My favorite color zinnia - Oriole

 All types of sunflowers...

There is also hydrangea, gomphrena, alternanthera, celosia, asparagus fern, variegated ivy and cosmos to add to the jars.

Grow Flowers - they make you and everyone you share them with...happy!

Hope your summer is going great! 



  1. Simply beautiful. Sunflowers are a favorite. Deb

  2. I know it's a lot of work but you are living the dream!!

  3. Those are so pretty.
    Put a smile on my face for sure!

    M : )

  4. Saw your home tour on Stacey's blog--you have a lovely home. Your flowers are gorgeous. Sunflowers are beginning to bloom in our area.

  5. Cathy, count me as your newest follower! After seeing your guest post on Stacey's blog this morning, I had to come over. So many things in common - gardening, music (JT for just one), home, family.....looking forward to reading more posts, and getting acquainted.
    Rita C at Panoply

  6. Hello Cathy! I'm coming over from Stacey's at Poofing the Pillows. Your home is lovely. And zinnias are some of my favorite flowers! I've scrolled through your blog - read about your barn sale...how is that going? Haha, I'm such a procrastinator that I wait last minute too. I'm now following you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Hi Cathy, beautiful post over at Stacey's. Love your home and the blooms here.
    Have a great weekend!
    Celestina Marie

  8. Cathy- your blog is wonderful!
    I love how you have planted all of your flowers in one long row.
    I hit the follow button a moment ago but it didn't work- I will keep trying.
    I look forward to reading more.

  9. Loving your blog - signed up to follow today! Great posts! :)


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy