Monday, January 25, 2016

Old Man Winter...

 ...came in with a frenzy didn't he?  We received about 13 inches at our house and I have to say I LOVED IT.  I love the peacefulness of it...the quite...the stillness.  

I also understand that this type of weather definitely brings challenges and I sympathize with those who have to get to work to either care for the sick, or clean the roads, or deliver the mail, or pick up the garbage, or stock the shelves, or feed the animals, or be a first responder & on and on.  As much as I would like for time to stand still, thankfully we have dedicated people all around who make a way to help others and I am grateful.

 My hubby is a teacher...a wonderful agriculture teacher and yes, I am a bit proud of him.  So the good thing was he got to stay home with us...BUT, Shaun loves his animals and they have to be tended out he went in the worst of the storm.  

 You can barely see him here rounding the dogwood tree...walking up what is suppose to be our driveway to get to the tractor.  The hay had to put out for the cattle.

Out my bedroom window, I watched the snow stack up quickly at the cabin. You can see it is nearly touching the bottom of the fence.

But in one day...the sun was back out...and our puppy, Snowball, was enjoying playing in the snow!

Life is now getting back to normal around here...however...

 ...I still can't get out of my driveway.  Maybe tomorrow.

Hope everyone is safe and warm!



  1. Wow, I just can't imagine! You sure make it look beautiful, Cathy. :)

  2. Afternoon, wow, winter wonderland indeed. Love the picture of Snowball in the snow.Blessings Francine.

  3. Glad you are safe.
    It does looks peaceful, I know a lot
    of people on the East coast don't see it that way though.

    Be safe and enjoy!

    M : )

  4. Your snow is so beautiful! I would be in heaven to experience this.

  5. Cathy,

    I hope all is well with you. I know your knee deep in planting flowers. Can't wait to see them all.


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy