Thursday, May 1, 2014

Flowers and Baseball...

Yes Friends, my life is consumed right now with...
 ...and more Flowers!
And when I'm not watering, deadheading, potting, fertilizing or....
...talking to people about flowers....
 (this is what I do for a living, for those of you that didn't know ;-)
....I'm watching my favorite young man swing that bat...
...and pitch that ball! 
I'm itching to get into projects but I just can't squeeze them in right now - but SOON - very SOON - I'll be back!
Happy Planting Friends!


  1. Oh I love your flowers. I've got a number of things growing in pots on my porch, as we haven't tackled much in the way of landscaping yet! Eldon is building his garage now.... so landscaping will have to wait on that! In that first picture on your post - is that your yard? I just love the way you manage to make things look so awesome. :-) A great talent you have with that. - Dori -

  2. Oh-I hear you- How lucky that you can be putzing with flowers right now- we are a month away from that here. xo Diana

  3. Cathy,

    I am so happy for you. We open the first weekend in June, Yay!!!

    Your greenhouse work is gorgeous as usual this year.

    Can't wait to see what projects you have planned next.


    Cottage Making Mommy

  4. Such pretty flowers.
    I'm sure you are quite
    proud of your young man.

    M : )

  5. Beautiful flowers. I can't wait to get outside and plant some myself.

  6. Hi Cathy,
    Beautiful flowers!
    I loved watching my kids play ball. I miss those days. These are special times in your sons life and yours. Its so fun watching the kids and rooting them on isn't it.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  7. What lovely pics. Love the owls!!! Gorgeous plants and lots of bright colours. Wish my yard looked like that!! lol
    Cheers, Anita.


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy