Friday, September 27, 2013

Behold the Apple Peeler...

For the last two years my Dad has gifted me with beautiful apples from a nearby orchard...
...yummy Johnathan apples...
...two bags full waiting to be peeled (honestly - I've always dreaded that part - I mean... like I get serious hand cramps after a while - you know what I'm talking about?
So I'm having this discussion at work about not liking to peel apples - and my friend, Nick says "Debbie and I have an apple peeler, let me bring it to you and you can try it out."  Sounded like a great idea to me and the next day - SHE arrived on my desk!
Is SHE ever the trick...well let me tell you!
This thing peels....
...and cores in about 3 seconds flat!
My son thought it was the coolest thing ever!
I couldn't hardly get him to quit - he said, "Momma, you gotta get one of these - and I want my own too....and we need to get Nana and Papaw one and Meme and Mamaw Ruby and...."  well, you get the picture.
We had these beautiful lil' apples all stacked up...
...just cut once down the middle...
...into the freezer bags they went...
...22 bags later - they are tucked neatly in the freezer.
As for all the peelings, well they went to the cows and they were loving that!
I can't tell you how much time this lil' gadget saved me.  I know apple peelers have been around for years but I had never personally used one - well, I'm sold.  Mrs. Evelyn ordered us some at work and I'll be the first in line to purchase one.  Thanks so much Nick and Debbie for sharing with me.
Now it's time for some fried apples...MMMMMMmmmmmmm good.


  1. Yay! I bought one of those at a garage sale for about $2.00 when my kids were little. They would peel apples and eat them just for fun. :) Isn't that a hoot!

  2. Cathy- That looks GREAT. Do you know what kind it is? I have used one but it was HORRIBLE! Any info would be appreciated. xo Diana
    ps-Does your Dad want to adopt me? I love apples! What do you mean I am older than he is!?!

  3. It's amazing what one "little"
    gadget will do for such a project!

    Fried apples sound oh so yummy.

    M : )

  4. A great gadget and much needed at harvest time.

  5. You convinced me, it's time for an apple peeler to come here, too!

  6. Cathy, I just read how to make apple cider vinegar. If I get as lucky as you, I'll have to try it.

    Enjoy your fried apples... yum!!!


  7. I love my apple peeler. Your son is so cute.


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