Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I just have this "thing" for green - whether it is decorating, painting, my house color, the plants I choose - I'm just always drawn to the color green.  It is soothing to me and as far as I'm concerned - a total neutral - I mean really - is there any color that doesn't go with green?  I don't think so. 
Just sharing my love of "living" greens today...
My "Creeping Jenny"...

My asparagus ferns and artillery ferns...

...I love my flower box made by my friends, Karen and Lisa... my Sweet Potato Vine - LOOOOOOVE it! my Boston ferns...

...Look at the size of that fern on the porch - it is as tall as me - about 5'7 - it is called a "Macho Fern".
My window boxes have done wonderful this year - after all the early rains we have been blessed with below average temps this summer and ample rainfall.

The boxes are filled with Bacopa, Creeping Jenny, Versa Coleus and Allure Tangerine Geraniums.

And speaking of greens - well, we've been breaking quite a bit of these lately...

Oh, but we love our green beans.

Hope you are enjoying a beautiful, GREEN summer!


  1. Cathy- Summer is looking great at your house. Your flowers and veggies are beautiful- xo Diana

  2. Wow, your ferns are huge and your plants are gorgeous! I love your Welcome planter! Very nice!

  3. Love the beautiful pictures. Thanks so much for sharing!


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy