Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Watching a movie by the tree...

Truthfully - I'm not a big TV watcher - unless it is HGTV of course.  But Sunday afternoon - I actually got to "kinda" watch "Did you hear about the Morgans?" on Southern Fried Flicks on CMT.  The reason I say "kinda" is because I was cooking a big supper for my family that night so I was in and out of this room between stirring and mixing and such. 
Anyway, I thought I'd show where we watch TV.  This is part of our family room - not a big space but a cozy one with the fireplace.  I'll share pics of that later.  And I must say it is still a work in progress.  I'm trying to settle on things to hang on the walls and eventually I think we might have a  TV cabinet/bookshelves made BUT until then - here we are.
The tree I have in this room is mainly decorated in greens, blues and natural elements.
I've never been a "neutral" wall color person (no offense) - so I'm really having to adjust to this wall color.  We've been here a year - and I must say - it has not grown on me yet.  Maybe when I get everything put together.
You'll find silver crosses on the tree...
Some aqua ornaments, green balls, bird nests, money plant...
...burlap ribbon, peacock feathers, silver fern leaves...
...old doilies, rattan spheres, a little glitter...
 ...just a lil' bit of this and that.
I love Christmas trees.
Merry Christmas!


  1. Hello Cathy! It was wonderful to see that you came by for a visit! We go back a long time in blogland, don't we?! Love your family room, so nice and cozy for the holidays! You sure know how to decorate!


  2. Morning, what a warm and wonderful room, love the pretty Christmas tree, I love the trees to......Blessings Francine.

  3. Just beautiful. I love the neutral colors it looks fabulous. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  4. Cathy- It looks lovely- maybe as you finish up you will find you like the neutral color more to your liking. From this side it looks beautiful. Blessings and I LOVE your tree- xo Diana

  5. Your trees are always so beautiful! Makes me want to do another tree, and I really don't need any more ornaments/decorations! Love the peacock feathers combined with the blues and silver

  6. Your room and tree are lovely. I love the mix of fresh blues and greens. Very pretty, from the crosses and birds nest in the tree to the pretty painted pieces and lovely pillow fabrics.

  7. Your room and tree are lovely. I love the mix of fresh blues and greens. Very pretty, from the crosses and birds nest in the tree to the pretty painted pieces and lovely pillow fabrics.

  8. I just saw the pic of your tv w/shutters at Cottage Instincts and had to come see it's source.. Wasn't a bit surprised to land here and see it was your creation. I LOVE EVERYTHING you do! Have pinned the pic to remind me how I could use my tall shutters as columns like yours. THANKS FOR SHARING your talents! Wishing you a blessed New Year!

  9. I like everything you are doing here. Wishing you a Merry Christmas !


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy