Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Lil' Fall at the Farmhouse...

I hope the weather is as delightful at your place as it has been here.  The days are simply perfect right now - 65 to 75 degrees - light breeze, plenty of sunshine - well, simply perfect.  Today while I was outside I snapped a few pictures of things that I'm loving right now. 
First things first - this GLORIOUS maple tree.  It is the tree I see when I wake up in the morning -  outside my bedroom window - it's over next to the cabin.
As you can see - we have started to landscape a bit - still no mulch and we are still missing two porch railings - but hey we are getting there.  I can't believe we've been here nearly a year and still have MUCH to do!
This picture gives you a better idea of where the cabin is located.  For those of you checking in for the first time - this was my late FIL's cabin - a place he dearly loved.  It is on the historical register - nearly 200 years old and has military significance.  I'll share all about it with you sometime.
My in-laws built on to it after restoring the main cabin.  You can see a small kitchen addition in the back.  A lot of great family memories have been made here.  Right now we roast lots of marshmallows around the fire pit - mmmmmm. 
Just past the cabin in the back is an old barn - a reeeeaaaally old barn.  It needs repair and we'll get to it someday but I still love the way it looks.
The barn quilt on this barn is called "Glitter, Glitter."
The sky was beautiful.
 Out my kitchen window - up on the hill - is the old chicken house and shed.  I love red barns, blue skies and green grass.
At the entry - I used an old stock tank we had to plant flowers in.
 It is filled with mums, sweet potato vine, plectranthus and ornamental millet, oh and a pumpkin of course.
Another washtub filled with ornamental cabbage and kale and Jade Princess Millet.
And if you aren't growing these ornamental beauties - you should!  Just sayin'
Have a Happy Fall Day!


  1. So so pretty. I would love to have a big maple tree like that to look at. Sigh....

  2. Beautiful! Yesterday a friend of mine was speaking about having her own small cabin just to sneak off to and relax in. Of course, thoughts of your cabin danced around in my head! And now I get to see it in it's Autumn glory! Thanks for sharing! Sandie

  3. Hello Cathy..found your wonderful blog and became a follower...Love your farm..so pretty the house and yard are..great decorating..everything looks beautiful for Fall...The little cabin is charming..I would like to wake every morning and see that Maple to...Snowball is adorable...Blessings Francine.

  4. Gorgeous! I can't wait to hear more about the cabin (don't know why I don't know about it already as I've followed you for awhile!)
    I love that huge maple tree and all of your plantings...isn't fall delicious?
    I did a fall tour today on my blog if you want to stop by...mostly inside though!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a magnificent piece of property. Your big hardwoods are gorgeous! I can't wait to hear about the history. Love your fall plantings, too!

  6. Great pictures. Love the flowers.

    M :)

  7. Beautiful blog and beautiful pictures! You have a wonderful place...
    Take care, have a nice weekend!


  8. I love your fall pics! What a gorgeous view you have! I'm your newest follower, and invite you to visit and say hi :)


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy