Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Family First..then..A Lil' Fall

Happy Fall Friends - sorry to be so long checking in BUT...
you know - family has to come first.  About 3 weeks ago my sweet Mamaw, Cleo, had a heart attack.  She is still struggling to recover.  Sadly, my precious Papaw is lost without her and their normal routine.  I just don't know which is worse - physical or mental illness - it has been heartbreaking.  See, I'm 40 - and absolutely blessed beyond measure to still have all 4 of my incredible grandparents - I realize that is almost unheard of.  I knew the day would come when their health would start to fail them - but even though I've tried to prepare myself - it still isn't easy.   I'm gonna keep on hanging on to them and loving them as long as I can and pray for their peace of mind and healing each and every day.
This picture was taken mid-August.  Pretty fine looking couple for 87 and 82 - don't ya think.  They have been together 67 years.
In the very few days that I have been home lately - I did manage to do a lil' decorating for fall.  Y'all have seen me talk about my mantle in the kitchen - well it's a good place for some seasonal sprucing up.
 A lil' wheat tied with orange burlap ribbon...
 Some white stoneware, grapevine balls, leaves and some "baby boo" mini pumpkins...
 A fall "yo-yo" tea towel that was a gift from my sweet Mamaw - there is no tellin' how many of these she has made over the years...
 A "Fall" banner made out of some scrap drop cloth I had laying around...
 Still loving my burlap wreath from my dear friend, Linda...
 Some pillows on the bench, a long island cheese pumpkin and a simple "Give Thanks" sign to finish it off. 
I will be sharing an old cabinet redo with you next. 
During this change of season - I'm realizing just how much the lives of the people I love are changing.  Makes me just want to hold on to every second.


  1. You are blessed to have all 4 grandparents! Don't take a moment for granted! I just lost my last grandparent in March.

    Love your fall decorating...especially love that banner and the wheat tied up with the orange!


  2. I have missed you Cathy.

    Please know that your grandmother is in our prayers. Sending hugs and love to you and your still have both sets of grandparents at age 40 is almost unheard of.

    The fall decor looks lovely. As usual you have the touch.

    Blessings and love, from our house to yours, Carolyn

  3. Time passes and with that comes change.My school year has been testament to that!
    Wishing prayers for you Grandma!

    M :)

  4. Morning Cathy!
    I'm sorry to hear your Mamaw is not well; I know how hard it is for the loved ones to stand by feeling helpless.

    Distracting yourself with fall decorating is a good thing during this stressful time and as always it looks just beautiful. Very warm and cozy without going over the top.

    Best wishes and comfort to you and your Pawpaw!
    Sincerely, Jeannette

  5. Hi Cathy, I always enjoy seeing a new post from you. You have the best style and taste in decorating... well, I just Love it!! I too was very Blessed to have all four of my Grandparents around when I was growing up. One of my Mamaws is still here with us, praise the Lord. I am very close to her. I hope your mamaw gets better soon.It's not easy seeing them go thru things like that.
    Bless you all, Lisa :)

  6. Sorry to hear about your Mamaw. I said a prayer for both of your grandparents. I'm sure you bless their lives as well. My grandkids call us Mamaw and Papaw. Don't here that here in Ca. so much, so I thought it sweet that you call them that.
    Your mantle is the perfect place to place your fall decorations. Love the banner. I'll have to try that and the simple Give Thanks says so much during this season and all the time.

  7. Can I use one of your pictures in our newsletter? The one with the Fall Banner


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy