Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Eat Cake"...

...I love to eat cake no matter what it is served in but how fun would it be if you had this to greet you every time you went for a piece!
I started with an "antique" cake dome I found...
Painted it some bright happy colors - with polka dots of course, but the possibilities are endless - monograms, scenery, family stick figures, seasonal - oh my

...Don't forget to dress up the knob...

...put a coat of varnish on it to protect it (I don't paint the base for food safety) and TADA - simple, simple but oh so cute!

Now tell me, who wants some cake?
Happy Tuesday!


  1. You are so very creative. I tried the salt dough Easter ornaments and posted them on my blog...but I'm no artist. Yours look sooooo good....mine...almost scary!!! As you already know...I LOVE your blog...wished we lived closer so I could visit your shop and nursery! Hope you have a blessed week!

  2. How cute! You do the most creative things. I see those domes at thrift stores all the time. What kind of paint did you use? ;-)

  3. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing, Dawn

  4. What a cute idea! It's amazing what you can do with alittle paint and a wonderful imagination! I would love some cake...to go with my morning coffee! Yum!

  5. What a great 'new life' that piece was given and as always, I love your painting. You are so talented!


  6. Love this idea. I have a couple of old cake domes, but have never thought of painting them. I hope you got my message on Facebook about the Zumba classes.

  7. What a cute idea--I think I may have something like that somewhere
    in the garage.
    Yes, I'd love a piece of cake! Please.:)


  8. Love it! It is so colorful and cute. Love the dressed up knob. I think my Mom may have one. A great redo!

  9. That is so cute! I have two of those old cake toppers. Hmmmm.... I think at least one of them should have a new coat of paint!

  10. How clever and creative you are! Wish I had saved some of those old ones! Way to go!!!

  11. Are you kidding me? This is too darn cute, LOVE IT!

  12. Good Morning Cathy,
    I have missed all your creativity!!! I love this! I have a fondness for the old cake carriers...
    I look forward to catching up!

    Have a great day!

  13. Too cute Cathy! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a very blessed day.

  14. What a cute cake cover! You know it just makes you want to eat a piece of cake. I'll have to keep my eye out for one. Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Hi Cathy,
    Me Please, I would love a slice of cake!
    You are so creative, I love how you can make a plain Jane into something so pretty!
    I have a cake dome very simular to yours that belonged to my Mom.
    Enjoy your day, come by when you have a chance I am having my very first 100th post give a way.
    Hugs, Elizabeth

  16. Oh my how stinkin' cute is that! What a transformation! Is there anything better than cake coming from a cake holder as cute as that one? I always love your wonderful ideas. TFS,

  17. This looks great! Makes me want to eat cake every minute of every day! Great job!

  18. This is too cute! I have this very cake dome!! Guess what I'm doing this weekend? I hope it comes out as sassy as yours. My blog is called Birthday Cake for Breakfast, so this will be a welcome variation on that theme. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  19. I MUST find one of those cake domes! You are so creative. What a great idea. I see me doing a little junkin' this weekend!

  20. I want cake!! If I make it can I come over and put it in your adoriable cake dome???? You are so creative! I'm still wanting to make a monogram frame for the porch.. how can a farm gal keep up with all your creative juices running amuk??

  21. That is just the cutest thing!! I have seen those old metal cake covers...who knew you could turn it into that. I wish I could paint like that.

  22. Great idea! I might could do this, but not as good as you of course!

  23. so cute...you don't even need the cake...LOL

  24. Hi! I am a new visitor to your blog and can't tell you how talented and creative you are. Thanks for the tour and sharing your ideas. I'm definitely inspired, Karen PS: I love cake!

  25. Oh, this is too cute! Love it!

  26. Very good idea! I am headed to a fleamnarket this weekend, and one of these old cake domes should be easy to find.

  27. This is SO CUTE! Thanks for sharing and yes I would love some cake :)
    Have a blessed day!

  28. I'll take cake!! YUMMO! Just a little piece...a little bigger...a little bigger...THERE...Perfect!

    I'm hosting a Giveaway over at my blog and I would love it if you stopped over!
    God Bless,

  29. Yummy! I want some! Simply adorable! I found your blog through The Crowned Casa and just love everything you have to share! My dream is to open a boutique (actually working on starting online right now) so it will be wonderful to have your blog to visit for inspiration! I would love to post you under my favorite blogs to visit list if that is okay with you? Take Care and have a wonderful weekend! ~ Jamie


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy