Monday, June 1, 2009

It was a fabulous day!

Well, my friends - it was a beautiful weekend for our annual "Art in the Alley" festival. The weather was perfect - hundreds of people came out in support of the event - there was great food, wonderful music and lots of wonderful and beautiful goodies to gaze at. Just like I thought I would - I spent most of my earnings - oh, but I love my stuff.

My "welcome" shovel to greet my shoppers...

A peep looking down from my corner - this is actually at the end of the day when the crowd had started to thin out a bit..

But the most special part of my day was when I arrived at my booth Saturday morning - sitting there on one of my display pieces was this beautiful painting - of our barn. My dear, sweet friend, Becky, had painted this for me - I started to cry. It's exactly like it looks - she even has the hay fork in front of the barn, the hay ring on the side, and you can even see the track doors on the second barn. And of course, she painted our barn quilt - which I dearly love - just perfectly on there. Thank you so much Becky - I was so touched - it will hang proudly in our home forever.

And last but not least, my sweet husband come to help me load everything back on the truck - and somehow he secretly bought this beautiful red pitcher for me. It was handmade by Mr. Perry - a kind-hearted, spirted, and fun man who is so willing to share his love of spinning pottery - especially with the children.

I had spotted this piece earlier in the day - Shaun picked out the perfect gift for me - looks just like something I'd love - don't ya think?

It was the perfect ending to a fabulous day!

Everyone have a great start to your week!


  1. I'm glad you had great weather for your festival. I LOVE your welomme shovel, it is too cute!!! What a fabulous painting of your THAT is a true friend!!!

  2. I love festivals like that. And you came away with some serendipity to boot! What a sweet friend to paint your barn and I love your red pitcher! I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the "lovelies" that you have!

  3. Love the shovel, great job! That painting is amazing, and such a thoughtful thing for your friend to do.. beautiful. Your hubby rocks! Sounds like you had a fabulous day of surprises.

  4. It does look like a fun day Cathy. The pitcher your husband got your is adorable! You just have to put some flowers in it. :)

  5. I love the shovel with the lady bugs...such a pretty pitcher...sweet husband you have there...

  6. I love the barn painting, how special for you:)

    The red pitcher is really sweet, fits you to a T:)

    Glad you had a good time and also love the welcome shovel...great things:)

  7. Wow to both the painting and the red pitcher. Glad you had a great weekend. The shovel is cute too! What an artist you are!

  8. What a wonderful gift from your friend! She is truly a gifted artist!

    How sweet of your DH to get the red pitcher for you! You're a lucky gal :)

  9. Sounds like your weekend was wonderful ~ I love the "welcome" shovel and the red pitcher is sweet. I can imagine how much that painting meant to you and it looks so perfect. I'm sure it will bring you much joy each time you look at it! What a dear friend indeed Becky is to have painted it for you!
    I love looking at and reading your blog ~ it's always so bright and cheerful.

  10. I love the shovel. I am glad you had good weather for the festival. I can just imagine the surprise of the painting. What a special friend!


  11. Wow what a beautiful job your friend did painting the barn and scenery! The shovel is just too sweet and your husband is too for getting you that wonderful pitcher! Good for you girl!

  12. Hey Cathy. Glad your festival was a good one. I just love the shovel and of course the pitcher.

    You have an award on my blog. I love to read your blog.

  13. It looks like a wonderful day!
    Glad you had such a great time!


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy