Monday, April 27, 2009

Welcome to our Greenhouse!

oops - you might want to turn off the music down on the bottom right - makes it a lil' bit easier to hear ;)
Hope you enjoyed a lil' peek into Cobblestone Farms Greenhouse. I know it is absolutely nothing fancy but we are proud of our lil' place. Now there is some more I didn't show you plus a lot of things I wish I had done already - but there are only so many hours in the day my friends. (We could all use a few more hours, couldn't we?)
So this week I'm totally focused on sweet container gardens especially unique ones for Mothers Day. Wish me luck - there is lots to do!!
And like I always say - Happy Planting!!!
Have a great day! Cathy


  1. Just love your video, thank you for sharing your greenhouse and your inspiring plantings. It isn't time to plant outdoors here yet, but soon. We always feel safe planting outside after Mother's Day and will put our garden and flowers in then. Thanks again for the fun tour! Judi

  2. What a nice video, and your voice is so sweet. Now I have a mental picture of what youre posting about on your blog. You have great ideas and I love your posts.Hope to see another video in the furture.. Julie in Holland

  3. love the video! great job!!!
    i am always the rebel and plant early. i had tomatoes in last year by april 24th. my family thinks i am crazy. lol

  4. So inspiring!! I have started planting some and now I am ready to do a lot more. Just have to get rid of my sunburn real quick... darn sun poisoning. That's ok... I got a lot of stuff done already!! :) I wish I lived closer to your greenhouse and to Cobblestone Farms!! :)

  5. Loved the tour! I love your outdoor displays. Beautiful flowers, I could spend a great deal of time shopping for my plants at your adorable greenhouses.

  6. Cathy that was amazing I loved hearing your voice and your tour!!! Wish I lived closer I would be there often, thanks for sharing your passion in such a unique way!!


  7. ok, aren't you just too cute and I think I need to take a road trip!!!

    OMG Cathy I just LOVE your place!!
    thanks for sharing the video


  8. Oh Cathy, That was the best tour! You have a sweet southern voice!! Everything looks beautiful!
    Hope you have a wonderful week! Nancy

  9. Great video! I love your "little" place. I'd love to have just one of your greenhouses!! (yes, I have greenhouse envy).

    Thanks for sharing!!

  10. Thank you so much for the tour! I love it! I can't wait to go to my local nursery...1 more month!!


  11. Cathy!! I loved this video -thanks for sharing your wonderful world with us :) It always brightens up my day to come visit you!

  12. It's wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us like that. I am inspired to get out in my yard and garden. In fast, I wish that's where I was now and not stuck here at work.

  13. Great job on the video, Cathy!

    Your greenhouses are lovely. I sure wish you lived close to me! I would be frequenting your shop...A LOT!

    Happy Spring!

  14. Cathy, I am loving putting a voice to you with such a cute accent. I loved the tour and it was just plant heaven for me. There is nothing like looking at such wonderful plants in such a great garden center. I love all your touches using all that good old stuff like the vignette with the old mantle. I still wish I could come shop there and meet sweet Cathy. Have a wonderful day.
    Jean in virginia

  15. what a great video.....thanks for sharing your awesome greenhouse...Pat H

  16. Loved It!Your place is just the cutest! I think I'll watch it again!:)

  17. I watched your whole video and thought you did a great job! You made me want to get outside and do some planting!


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy