Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Friday Friends!!!

Oh I know I've let you guys down this week - I've jus' been a really busy girl!!! Helping decorate for a wedding this weekend - so I've had lots and lots of projects. I'll share pictures with you next week.

But in the meantime - I'm wishing you a happy Friday and a blessed weekend. And speaking of Fridays - won't be long we'll be introducing our "Fresh Flower Fridays".

This is something I've wanted to do for a long time - I'll have a lil' roadside stand with freshly arranged flowers from my cutting garden - jus' waiting to find a home - ready to liven up a table for Sunday dinner, to place by your bedside or better yet - maybe deliver to someone special. Everything will be in mason jars tied with pretty ribbons - Oh I can jus' see it now - I've even got a special cart!!! Oh sometimes I wish my mind would slow down a bit!

So in closing - I'm reminding you of a lil' project from last year - that water hose garden wreath. While you are doing some spring cleaning around the house and in the potting shed - don't discard that leaky hose - make something special out of it!

You'll need an old hose, maybe a rusty garden tool, a lil' bucket, some tattered gloves, some flowers if you'd like - and there you go - the perfect "recycled" wreath for the outside of your home or building.

Have a happy weekend friends,


  1. that is just adorable, I'm sure I have all those things in my little building, gonna have to try that out!

  2. You are so clever...I would never have thought to make a wreath out of a garden hose...I LOVE IT!!!
    Happy Friday to you, too!!

  3. Love it...can't wait to see your flower stand, oh, how I wish I lived closer to you:)
    Have a great day!

  4. That is such a cute idea! You have my imagination running wild now! That is such a fun look. I love it! Have a great weekend and good luck with the wedding decorations. If you have your hands involved I know it will be nothing short of spectacular!

    Smiles, Nancy

  5. Cathy, that is the cutest idea with the old hose and flowers. And I love the idea of the roadside stand with the flowers. It will be adorable I am sure. I wished I lived closer so I could see all your pretties. Have a great weekend. Sherie

  6. Oh I love the sound of your Fresh Flowers Fridays! That hose wreath is so neat! What a fun idea! Have a great weekend Cathy!

  7. That is such a great idea!! How did you connect the hose together? Plastic ties? Thanks!! This will look great on my shed!! :) Happy Friday!!

  8. what a great project for my potting shed door! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I do, I do have an old hose laying in the yard. And rusty hand tools and an old bucket!!! What a great idea for my tool shed. The wheels are turning! Thank you.
    I've had the same thoughts of a roadside cutting garden but don't live on a road that I could do that on *sigh*

  10. Cahty I SOOOOOOO wish we lived closer!! I'd come buy flowers from you!!

    Do you mind if I put your hose wreath picture on my blog with your link? it's such a CUTE GREAT idea!!


  11. This is my first visit to your blog and I love it. Great idea for the garden hose wreath. Very creative. Looking forward to more.

  12. I just adore that wreath! Have a great weekend!

  13. I just love the garden hose wreath. So unique and creative. Thanks for the idea. I've been wanting to get that glue gun out...

  14. Oh that is just so creative, thanks for sharing, I am so ready for flowers!!

  15. I read your whole blog one day , I liked this picture the most, such a great idea, I really love the "I dig gardening" .... thanks for sharing

  16. OMGosh Cathy!! Your ideas amaze me as always!! I may have to try this one. I just picked up an old gardening shovel for the Goodwill that I wasn't sure what to do with. And I am sure we have some old hoses lying around in the shed. Thanks for the ideas!! Keep em' coming!!

    Hugs!! Carrie♥

  17. Every new post that you do makes me wish that your shop and roadside stand, was right down the street from me. The hose wreath is so adorable! I really like how you finished it off with the gloves and flowers. I can't wait to see the wedding pictures that you share.

  18. Cathy, that garden hose wreath is just fantastic. Great recycling. Have a great weekend.
    Jean in Virginia

  19. Ohhhh, I L.O.V.E. this so much!!!! I am going to try one for my shed door!!!!

    Thanks for another cool idea!

  20. This is amazing because just yesterday I started to throw away an old hose and remembered your post from last year. I was going to have to go back to try and find it to see it again....NOW I know some things to put with it. THANKS SO MUCH!!!

  21. What a clever wreath -- something like that would look good on my potting shed!


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy