Friday, July 18, 2008

Wonderful Weekend Wishes!!!!

Here's hoping you all have a beautiful weekend!! I'm getting ready to start Vacation Bible School this coming week - so my weekend is already full - creating a volcano, waterfall, canoe and on and on and on!!!! It's gonna be fun though and I know we will all be blessed by it!

Blessings to you all -and do something that makes your heart sing!
Cathy Cobblestone


  1. I am going away with my husband and two couples for a long weekend. I hope to have a few pictures to share next week.
    Have a great weekend, stay cool!

  2. We concluded our Vacation Bible School last night. We had a great week--lots of kidos and plenty of good help. We had a blessed week and hope to have "planted some seeds". Here's praying you all do the same.

  3. I hope you have a wonderful time at vacation bible school this coming week! Ours was a few weeks ago, cosmic city, my boys are still talking about it! I was just a craft helper-the easy rode-I keep debating getting more involved, I just love the crafts so much plus it allows me time to peek in on my kids during their activites:O)
    Have a Blessed week planting God's love in the lives of the children<><
    Shayne Louree

  4. Hope you have a wonderful VBS. I LOVE the litt...make that big Church birdhouse. That spot looks so peaceful.

  5. Hi Cathy, I haven't forgot about my tag....Plan to get it done this coming week...We have been so busy with the ITT thing, thats all I spend my time on it seems. Love the blueberry pie post...You make me want to be a farm girl!!! lol:) Hope you have a great vacation Bible school. Nancy

  6. I hope your weekend and VBS next week are wonderful!

    hugs, Linda

  7. Hi! Cathy,
    Hope you are having a great weekend too. Sounds like you are very busy - VBS is busy (but can be fun).
    I like your new header picture with your cute painting in it :)


  8. Hi
    Drop by my blog I have an award for you! Have a great weekend!!

  9. Thank you all so much for the well wishes during Bible School. Yes, it is always a very busy week but what an incredible blessing for all of us!!!! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Best wishes to you all! Cathy

  10. My children loved Vacation Bible School when they were little! Wishing you a wonderful week Cathy.

  11. Love your vignette with the star and chair! Have fun with VBS.
    Jean in Virginia

  12. I love VBS! :)

    That is a beautiful picture you posted! have a great week!


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy