Monday, January 20, 2014

A Touch of Winter nestled in Indoor Plants...

O.K. I know it is winter - I mean it IS January BUT my oh my - today was BEEE-U-tiful!
Nearly 50 degrees and super sunny in Kentucky - but tonight - guess what - it is suppose to snow.  Wow, what a difference a few hours can make!
But I enjoyed replanting some of my indoor house plants today...outside in the sunshine.
This morning my big ceramic pot (yard sale find for $4.00) was filled with what was left of my amaryllis.  Nestled around them was a bunch of pine cones and some feathers (more on that in a minute).
I couldn't stand it - I had to do something different - sooooo, I took out the bulbs.
I gathered some plants that I had inside that needed attention.
The one in most need of attention was my Peace Lily.  It was terribly root bound and needed to be divided.  I must say I was a lil' hard on it with the knife but it'll rebound fine.  If you'd like all the "how-to" information on care, maintenance and dividing the Peace Lily check Pro Plants for some great info.  This plant is about as low maintenance as it gets.
Along side my Peace Lily, I replanted an arrowhead vine and ivy,  both of which were part of a gorgeous Christmas planter I received this year.  I then topped the soil with moss.
Next I nestled in the pine cones to remind me that it is still winter no matter what the temp. says.
These beautiful feathers were also tucked in that delightful Christmas basket I received from my friend, Pam.  Of course, they are from her flock of fine feathered friends.  It was truly a beautiful gift.
And there you have it - a fresh new planter - filled with the hope of spring as well as the natural beauty of winter time. 
I took some of the remaining Peace Lily and placed it in my pretty blue crock...
...And another few pieces found their new home in an old milk bottle.  Actually the Peace Lily roots thrive just fine tucked in water.
I'm dreaming of spring today!
Happy Sunshiney Day!


  1. Unbelievable weather, Cathy. I love all your plants and planters. I really need to add something to a couple of the plants I have inside. Blessings to you- xo Diana

  2. Your plants look so that ceramic bowl!!

  3. A good thing to do on a sunny winter day. Everything looks spruced up to enjoy until the sun comes out for good.

  4. I'm wishing for so warm temps around here. We'll have a high of 5 degrees today if we're lucky. It makes it so hard not to dream of springtime.

    Your plant is looking oh so pretty after a little TLC.

  5. Wait. You're in Kentucky? Wowsers! You're not too far from me (NE Indiana). Ok, anyway, love your plants....I want to learn how to grow things. I've never taken the time to really understand plants. So silly as my mama had herb, vegetable, heirloom rose and butterfly gardens while i grew up. Maybe this spring will motivate me to start a garden? Hmmmm.

  6. When it's winter, we can garden indoors. Like what you did!

  7. Your plants looks so pretty. Makes me want to repot some of my house plants. Greenery is always so nice to have during these cold winter months.

  8. You have beautiful plants!! I really wish I would have gotten some before our winter was too far underway, it gets a little gloomy for me the 3 months of winter. Your home is just amazing, thank you for sharing!--♥Angie:

  9. I found your blog....

    I just love your blog...I love looking at all of your photos that you have on your blog.

    My mom use to have a greenhouse at one time and she had a Green Thumb like you would not believe. She loved her plants and her flowers.

    I am not a follower of your blog and I would like for you to be a follower of my is the link:

    Enjoy your Evening
    Linda K, Railroad

  10. Cathy,

    They look beautiful. Sorry I haven't been in touch. Happy New Year. Nursery is going well. We bought a store and campgrounds and are putting the nursery next to the store. Crazy huh? I have a gift for you and will mail it to you soon. I'm loving the house pic.'s everything is so pretty.


    Cottage Making Mommy


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy