Saturday, March 24, 2012

Just in time for Easter... can have beautiful lil' baskets of  rye grass for your table.

Here's How-----

All you need is a container and a liner if necessary.  I used plastic for these inexpensive baskets but you could use pretty spring color pots with saucers.  And lastly, you'll need some annual rye grass seed- available at your local home and garden center - and if you are near me - you can purchase it at Central Farmers Supply for just pennies.

Use some good quality potting soil...

 Generously scatter seed on the top of the soil...

 Then, cover lightly.  I actually use a product called Redi-earth which is a great germinating media - but soil is fine - just do not cover very thick.  A good rule of thumb when seeding - the soil used to cover the seed should only be twice as deep as the seed is wide.

The seed will germinate in about 3 days and
 in about two weeks - it'll look like this - which a lot of people say looks like a chia-pet...

 But its nothing a pair of scissors and a lil' hair cut won't fix... Actually you may have to trim it several times.

 Then you can nestle eggs or lil' chicks in your basket for your Easter dinner table.  This basket is one I started for my friend, Julie.  I have started my own baskets but they aren't quite ready yet - when they are - I'll share my table with you.  It'll be our first Easter in our new home!

Rye grass likes lots of light - so keep in a sunny window sill or sun room. 

Have fun - growing grass!

Happy Spring!


  1. GRASS now that is a novel idea!!! I may just have to try that!!!!


  2. I love these little flower pots! So simple, so elegant, and so charming. Thanks for sharing, Connie :)

  3. I love it, Cathy. I grew up on a farm and my father always planted rye for the cows. I like your idea a whole lot better!;>) xo Diana

  4. What a great idea. I wish I had read this last week, but I will save it for next year. I love your much better than plastic grass.

  5. Thanks for the idea. I will try it next year, unless it can grow in five days! Love your new home!


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy