Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Weekend Everybody!

Jus' been adding a lil' spring to the store today!
Talk to ya Monday!


  1. Oh my gosh Cathy I want that topiary! I just love it!

  2. I love the picture, it makes me think of spring!

  3. LOVING the green and black motif!


  4. I love your store Cathy and wish that I lived closer so that I could buy all your darling things! =)

  5. I am drooling over every darn thing in this picture! I just love the apple green and black and white together!

  6. Cathy,

    Thanks for stopping by, I love sunflowers too!

  7. I love this Spring feeling to your blog! It's beautiful!

  8. I love the green and black. I am so inspired for spring. I also want to visit your store!!...

  9. Hi Cathy, I love all of it! I want to come to your store soooo bad!!!! You're not that far away, I really need to plan something!!!
    I wanted to let you know that I am having a party of Friday and I would love for you to come! Come by and check it out sometime this week. Blessings, Nancy

  10. Happy almost spring to you, Cathy! May I ask what the grassy looking plants are in the terra cotta plant pots on your pictures to the right?? They look so springy!
    We just got another 16 inches of thick, heavy snow dumped on us and I'm so ready to get outside and get my hands dirty in some rich, warm soil.
    Hugs to you~ Birgit

  11. Gosh and begora! I just love your green scene!!

  12. Hi Cathy,
    I love the green, spring, and all your things.....I'm working on the flower pots....check out my bowls on my blog, let me know what you think.
    Have a wonderful week,

    P.S. To all Cathy's blog friends....Her store is to die for...It's worth the trip.

  13. I love,love the green and black together. I would love to visit your store. Darling,darling!!

  14. Hi Cathy!! I am such a fan of your blog! And if I lived closer i would love to visit your store! I made your salt dough ornaments for christmas and gave them away as gifts and they were such a hit! Anywho I have started a blog of my own. Its not much yet but i'm working on it!! I hope you will give it a visit and if you have any advice send it my way!!
    Be Blessed!

  15. You are so talented. Love the colors, it screams spring. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy