Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Sunny Monday!

It's a beautiful sunny day here in Kentucky - hope your day will be jus' as bright!

I wanted to let you know that it has come to my attention that my e-mail through my blog and website it not working. This is probably something that happened when we purchased our new computer last month. Some people have had their e-mails returned -which is actually good 'cause at least you know that I didn't receive it. For others, that I may have not replied to - I'm SOOOOOO sorry - I didn't know. I will try and have this problem fixed in the next couple of days. I hope I haven't missed anything to terribly important. So I send you my sincere apologies - I would never purposely not respond to anyone who was kind enough to contact me. If you need me, just leave a comment and I'll e-mail you through my personal account.

So once again, have a great Monday!!!
Let the Sunshine In!!


  1. Happy Monday to you! Do you have a pic of the valentine cake you described? I would love to see that! Enjoy the sunshine!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to have a nice, sunny day. It is kind of cold and a bit dreary looking here today, but tomorrow it is supposed to be 70 and sunny. I am READY! Have a great Monday!

  3. How nice is a beautiful, sunny day!! Probably help with all the ice as well. Enjoy! Sharon

  4. Happy Tuesday morning.....enjoy your week and thanks for the update on the email.

  5. Hey Cathy,
    I have left an award for you on my blog. Please stop over and collect it. I just love your blog and it always inspires me...thanks!

  6. It was sunny here today, too! I am going to make those salt ornamnets. I keep saying it but I have to make them! They are so cute and the directions are great!

  7. What a happy plaque...half sun, half sunflower. Everyone seems to be longing for the sun these days. Good thing Spring is around the corner. : )


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy