Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Happy Weekend to Ya!

Wishing you all a beautiful and blessed weekend!
Remember, today is a gift, live it!

Cathy Cobblestone


  1. I love the red jars! Thanks I am having a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hello:0) I'm sorry about not being able to email!! I don't know how to figure that out!! :O) I went into my settings for my blog and a few things mentioned address' but I wasn't sure which was the right thing-I'll keep working on it!
    Thank you thank you for all the pumpkin information, we looked at Kmart today because we went in for something else, they had the Veggie Tales seeds at the beginning of the year and the twins would have gotten a kick out of those but they didn't have a single see packet. I get groceries tomorrow and I'll see if walmart still has theirs out, if not their is a seed farm about 3 miles from us:O) I'm excited, I'm not so good with plants and such but hope this works for us. I was planning to buy spray for some of my trees that are getting nawed on so I'll look for something I can use on everything.
    I see at the bottom of this page that is says email follow up comments to-and then my address, I'm clicking on that, hope that works:O)
    Thanks again and I will stay in touch about it-I may have more questions too:O)
    Shayne Louree

  3. The jars are great, and there is always something good in each day if we only look for it.
    Jean in Virginia

  4. Wishing you the very same thing Cathy - as usual, a pretty picture - candy for the eyes and soul.

  5. Hello Dear Cathy!

    I am trying to get caught up on my pen-pal-blog writing and wanted to check in with one of my favorite ever blog friends! How are ya Cathy dear? Looks like things are going real good on the farm and in your store! Talking about store, I see that you will have an on-line business soon! Hurray!!!! I am so excited and can't wait. Please let me know when it is offically opened for business!

    All is well this way! Just trying to fight the heat! Have a good week sweet Cathy and we'll talk soon!



Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy