Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Happy Weekend to Ya!

Wishing you all a beautiful weekend!
Hope it is filled with laughter and sunshine!

Cathy Cobblestone


  1. The world would certainly be a much better place if we all followed through on what that sign says!
    Thanks for sharing it and you have a great weekend too!

    By the way I loved the frames and curtian rod ideas in the previous post!

  2. Cathy, Another cute vignette, and another "great" sign. I just don't have anyplace to put it. You have a great weekend.
    Jean in Virginia

  3. I just loved your recent posts. The curtins are so pretty. And really cool idea for the frames.
    I love your forgiveness sign.
    Can I please borrow your photo.
    What a great inspiration to us all.
    Thanks for wishing blessings to all of us. Many of us need encouragement from others.
    I pray you have a wonderful weekend too.
    Oh BTW. I love the new pony so cute. You'll have to post more photos.

  4. Love the sign, Cathy!

    You are so creative...I love the idea of the curtain rod and the picture frames! Very clever!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Cathy,
    Love everything you do!! I've added you to my blog roll!! Want my friends to see the cute stuff that you do!! chery:)

  6. Great sign. And if everyone would follow through on that forgiveness too. I'm all for sunshine that's for sure. We had a hot, sunny one here today!! No Rain, Yay!!!

  7. You do such pretty picture arrangments! Hope all is well :O)
    Shayne Louree
    ps-our pumpkins have sprouted and I have to get a protive netting today to keep the critters out, my twins are excited-thanks ever so much for the encouragement!

  8. Hey Cathy! I just want to let you know that I have been thinking about you today! God Bless!


Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. The time you take to leave a message - truly makes my day. Many Blessings, Cathy