Monday, March 31, 2008

Easy Window Treatment

Just showing you a lil' tip for a super easy window treatment today. This small window is in our bathroom and I wanted to make it a lil' different. So I decided to go to the garage and get a 1X12 piece of wood and cut it to size. I made myself a simple pattern on a piece of cardboard for the curved front but you could also leave it straight or add some embellishment on the bottom. I simply spray painted it, sanded, and glazed it with some antiquing gel. I thought I would give it a personal touch and put our monogram on it - I'm kind of into that right now. I simply hemmed the bottom of a piece of material and stapled it to the inside of the box. At the bottom of the window for privacy is a pair of small bi fold shutters that were given to me by my dear friend, Vicki. Nothing a lil' spray paint couldn't fix and some whitewash. Here is a list of things you will need if you want to try this yourself - It's so easy!

*1X12 or smaller piece of pine
*Handsaw or jigsaw
*measuring tape
*"L" brackets for mounting
*Drill or screwdriver
*Paint of your choice
*Some pretty material
*Sewing Machine or Needle & Thread
*Staple Gun or Hot Glue Gun

This entire project was completed in about 2 hours and that included "watching the paint dry". Have fun "making your home your own"! Cathy Cobblestone

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just FRAME it!

Well this lil' post is for a dear friend of mine. We were talking in the shop today about how to "beef up" the look of a smaller wreath she was admiring. I told her to simply "FRAME IT". It is a simple, inexpensive solution to give a wreath, a small photo or anything you wish to accent more presence. Plus it just makes it a lil' more special, wouldn't you agree?

I happened upon this old frame a couple of years ago and it had this great distressed finish on it. I initially was going to paint it but just didn't have the heart to alter its rustic charm. I placed my twiggy wreath in the middle and have been happy with it ever since.

So, go frame it. Happy creating! Cathy Cobblestone

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I love my New Topiary

Well everybody has something they "love" when it comes to decorating - well, guess what mine is - Topiaries. I think the thing I like the most about them is how they fit into so many decorating styles. Since they have classic clean lines, they are the perfect compliment to french country, modern, shabby sheek and cottage designs. Really, you just can't go wrong with them. So I thought I'd show you my newest one -it is simple green moss on an egg shape form placed proudly in a distressed urn. You can easily make one of your own with just some sheet moss, a Styrofoam form, some hot glue and you are good to go. Happy creating!! Cathy Cobblestone

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pretty Pansies Are READY!

For those of you itching to get your hands dirty - here is your chance! I brought out our pansies from the greenhouse today - I couldn't hardly wait!! Instant HAPPINESS! They are just starting to open and will be bursting with color in just a few days - and I think we will be alright as far as the weather is concerned. Pansies are pretty tough, you know. Just thought I'd let you know they are awaiting their new home - in YOUR beautiful garden. Happy Planting! Cathy Cobblestone

Monday, March 24, 2008

Feeling Blessed Today

Sometimes I forget just how truly blessed I am. I am 36 years old and I have all four of my sweet grandparents - close by and so close to my heart. Today my mamaw, Cleo, handed me two of her lil' yo-yo T-towels she makes. She tells me "I've been fightin' that old "Arthur" in my hands, and the towels are not perfect," but I let her know they ARE perfect to me 'cause she made them. Even though she wants me to sell the t-towels, it becomes harder to part with them the older she and I both get. I'm just feeling really blessed today because I have such an incredible family and I thank them all for their love, support, and shared talent.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter from my Lil' Man

My Sweet Lil' Casen and some eggs we colored wishing you ALL a beautiful and BLESSED Easter and Everyday!!

Friday, March 21, 2008


Wishing you all a beautiful and blessed Easter weekend! Enjoy your family, the deeeelicious food, the egg hunts, THE CHOCOLATE, but most of all, remember the true meaning of the Easter Season, HIM. God Bless you All!
Cathy Cobblestone

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

BEEEautiful Bead board Back splash!

BEEautiful Bead board Back splash - now say that THREE times FAST!!!

Well, what I'm gonna show you today is a lil' clever cover-up. Nothin' fancy, 'cause my house is definitely not that, but it's "homey" - is that even a word? I've mentioned that my house is really small - not much room for things - so things just have to go where I can find a space. Well, that even applied to my stove, kind of stuck right out in the middle of things, so I had to do something that made it look like it belonged there. I also had to give the wall behind it some type of protection from all the splish-splash-spattering that would be going on.

So here was my solution -
*a single piece of 4X8 bead board - painted white
*two corbels found in a junk store - painted black
*a shelf that I made to fit my thrifty finds
*and a few things I love to give it some punch

Plus, we can't forget, some yummy homemade brownies that say "Welcome Home"!

Happy Creating!
Cathy Cobblestone

Monday, March 17, 2008

Get Ready to Get Your Hands Dirty!

As we begin to have some warmer days, we start itching to get outside and get dirty -there are a few things we can do to help us get a healthy start on our spring gardening. In Kentucky, it is still to early to plant any type of annual, however, there are some things we can do as far as winter clean-up, dividing perennials, and preparation for glorious plantings!!!

Here are just a few things you can be doing to get a jump on spring gardening:

*Trim dried foliage from monkey grass a couple of inches above new growth.
*It's a great time to divide and transplant late-blooming perennials. You can do this when the new growth is approximately 2-4 inches tall.
*If you have some lawn damage or bare spots in your yard, fill in areas with soil and reseed. Lawn seeding should be completed by the end of the month.
*A lil' tip - fertilize your lawn when the forsythia begins to bloom.
*Clean any containers or flower pots that you previously used with a solution of bleach and water ( about a cup of bleach per gallon of water ) to remove any diseases left over from last year's beauties.
*It's a great time to start making plans for your spring plantings, window boxes and containers, that way when it is time to purchase beautiful flowers, you'll be prepared with a list and know the exact amounts you need. (But then again, can you ever have enough flowers? I don't think so!)

I better get busy to - Go Dig in the Dirt! Cathy Cobblestone

Saturday, March 15, 2008

How 'bout a lil' Mexican Flavor?

Well, when I look at this apron - that's what I think of! Mexico! All the BEAUTIFUL colors and the pretty ruffles, ribbons and ric-rac, stripes and polka dots - Oooh La La! This apron was of course made by my dear friend, Ada Mae, and just like me, she is new at this "blogging" thing - but I know it would just tickle her pink if you would dance on over and look at some of her other darlin' aprons. She is so very talented and soon you will be able to snatch one up for yourself and buy her aprons on-line. Until then though, you can always find them at Cobblestone Farms. I just thought I'd showcase some of her exquisite talent today - let her know I appreciate her and wish her lots of luck sewing and yes, selling to.

Make each day special with a pretty Apron!
Cathy Cobblestone

Ada's Adorable Aprons blog located in my "LINKS I LOVE"

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I've got a lil' project for you today and I think it is one you will love! Do you have any garden tools that have seen better days - they've worked so hard tending your lovely flowers that they are just simply ready to retire? Well, I've got lots of them and somehow I seem to collect them from everybody else also - old shovels with broken handles, rakes, trowels and the list goes on. Thing of it is, I love them all - the castaways can always find a home stuck in flower pots, hung on the shed or simply nestled in with other garden goods on a great farmhouse table - for indoors or out.

Since it is hard for me to part with anything - I had plenty of "stuff" to work with today. Here is a list of a few things you will need: Old garden hose, some type of discarded tool, a few flowers, a small bucket, anything nature related for an added touch like a bird nest, twigs, gloves, a lil' sign, (whatever you can imagine), some wire, cutters, Styrofoam and a lil' moss. Simply begin by looping your old garden hose that has sprung a leak, secure with wire, nestle in any large or small garden tool, secure it as well, hang a small bucket from the top, insert Styrofoam, and arrange your flowers and special touches to your likin'.

There you have it, the perfect "garden hose wreath". OH SO CUTE on a potting shed or garden gate. Mine is going on the porch for now and soon it will welcome all our Greenhouse Visitors!!

I didn't buy a single thing for this project - Look around and turn your trash into treasure. Happy Piddlin'! Cathy Cobblestone

It's a Plate Thing

I love pretty plates, don't you? These are a lil' different because I painted on some wooden plates. These are placed on easels but could easily be hung on the wall - real striking to maybe hang three in a row. These have scriptures and inspirational quotes but I've also monogrammed some and painted some for babies with their birthdate, weight, etc. They are just so versatile. I'm keeping it short and sweet today, just thought I'd fill you in on what I'd been up to. Today, I'm definitely going outside because it is going to be 70 degrees ! YIPEEEEEEEE!!!! Have an absolutely beautiful, happy and blessed day! Cathy Cobblestone

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I'm so excited because yesterday I spotted the first blooms in our greenhouse! Such a pleasant surprise and there are still even a few lil' patches of snow left outside from our white weekend. That'll all change today though 'cause it is gonna push 50 plus degrees. Warmth and Sunshine - two instant spirit lifters. Even though we are about six or seven weeks away before it's safe to plant in Kentucky - it sure doesn't hurt to dream about Diggin' in the Dirt!!

When I went in the greenhouse, I spotted amongst all the "green" two lil' bursts of color. A sweet LiL' LavendeR LanTanA bloom saying "Look at me!" and across the way a wonderful vibrant ScarleT ReD IvY GeraniuM just beginning to show its beauty. I know in the days to come, the greenhouse will come alive with color and I can't wait to share it with you. Be checking back often for a slide show or video (once I figure it out)of all the flowers waiting to find the perfect home in your garden.

I'm heading back down to Cobblestone to talk to the flowers. Have a Splendid Day!

What's your style?

So I ask, what is your style? If you are anything like me, sometimes that is a hard question to answer. I truly do like several different decorating styles. I like some country, love cottage style, appreciate clean lines and not to much fuss, but I love layers, distressed furniture, architectural salvage, many fabrics and all things cozy. So what is MY STYLE? - someone told me once that she thought it was "sophisticated country". So today, that is what we are gonna call it ( but tomorrow, I'll be liking somethin' else). I think the most important thing in decorating your home though, is absolutely making it something YOU love and that fits your family and your lifestyle. For me, I want it to say "Welcome Home" when you come in the door, a place that has meaning and a place that is just "ours." You don't have to be drastic in putting your own stamp on things, maybe just somethin' subtle that makes it personal and just your own. Something special that no one else will have - unless they copy you and hey, imitation is the best form of flattery, right? I always gain inspiration from magazines and other people and that is what keeps things fresh and new for me.

I thought I'd show you a few pics from our bedroom that are nothing fancy, but just a style that I happen to like. I love black and to me it is very much a neutral - here I have paired it with another one of my favorite colors - spring green - and a touch of creamy white. The ceiling is painted the same color as the walls to not shorten the room and to help the molding stand out a lil' bit more.

I also picked up an old lil' desk that I spray painted, took some good ole' trusty sandpaper to it and added it in a tight corner.

Lastly, you will see two frames over the bed that I painted black, wallpapered inside with black and cream check and instead of placing a picture in the frame, I painted the insert black and monogrammed it. Just so happens, we have these frames available at the shop!! I can personalize it for you as well.

Like I always say, just do what makes YOU happy! Something that makes your spirit come alive and show in the things around you. Decorating doesn't have to cost a lot of money, it just takes a lil' time and some vision. Have fun Making Your Home Your Own! Cathy Cobblestone

Saturday, March 8, 2008

So Peaceful

What a beautiful sight to behold at daybreak this morning! All the snow that had fallen overnight just made the morning so very quite and peaceful. Ever since I was a lil' girl I have loved the snowfall - it is so calming to me. Now I know I'm always talking about beautiful flowers and how we are all anxiously awaiting springtime, I have to say - I'm glad for days like this. We all got to be home together, enjoy a big breakfast, have a snowball fight, sleigh ride and share a lot of laughs. Plus no one was stirring much, so Cobblestone closed and said "Gone Sledding". So here are a few pictures to let you in on the beauty of our day! Have a wonderful weekend. Cathy Cobblestone

P.S. Next week it is suppose to be around 60 degrees in our neck of the woods - so I'm sure we will all have a lil' touch of spring fever once again.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Fav's - ZINNIAS

Since it is going to snow here again tomorrow (or so they say) I thought I'd give you another lil' peek at some beautiful flowers that will soon brighten up our days. We've been working on my favorites - Zinnias. If you ask me, they simply can not be beat - they're so vivid, tough as nails, love the sun, make the best cut flower arrangments, last forever, NEED I SAY MORE. Well, we have transplanted several hundred and it won't be long (let's hope) that we will all get to give them a rightful home - in our gardens. Just F.Y.I. - we grow many varieties of Zinnias in our cutting garden here at the farm but the kind we grow to sell are the "short stuff" variety - which is absolutely perfect for pretty pots, window boxes and borders. Give 'em the sun they love and you'll not be disappointed. Dreaming of Diggin' in the Dirt!!!! Cathy Cobblestone

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tiny Space Fixer Upper

Today, I thought I'd give you a lil' peek at one of the tiny spaces in our home. We live in an older home with lots of little imperfections - nothing is square or level and the studs must be 6 feet apart 'cause I never hit one. That's o.k. though, nothing a lil' spackle can't fix. Truly, I love our old house! The interesting thing about this picture is that it is of a space that has 4 doors in a 4X9 area. I know, hard to believe, but it's true. No two doors can be open at the same time because they just won't fit. The thing that had always bothered me about that space, is that with all those doors, it left no room to put anything on the walls. So more or less, it was just a pass through, an empty space - I don't like empty, do you? So instead, I thought I would just put the art on the door. Shaun came in just shaking his head, nothing I do surprises him anymore. I whipped up this whimsical topiary in about 30 minutes and anyone can do it. I still have a lil' bit of work to do to it but all in all, I'm happy with it. At the bottom it reads, "Greet each day with Goodness, Gratefulness, and God". We see it when we first wake up and it is a great reminder in how we should face each day.

This is just a lil' tidbit to maybe help you solve a similar space problem. Think outside the box and remember, it's just paint. Make your home your own! Have a Happy Day - Cathy Cobblestone

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Happy March!

Happy 1st day of March everybody!!! It was a beaUTIFul day on the farm - I was just itching to get in the dirt and I did. We transplanted some more flowers today in the Greenhouse and those lil' seedlin's were just as happy to see the sunshine as we were. Tomorrow is going to be even better - around 65 they say - so I hope you have a wonderful Sunday in every way.

Many of you know how much I love my family. Well, my papaw, Ronald, is no exception -he's the best. So today, I thought I'd show you a lil' bit of his talent. He made this great bench out of an old bed that he "rearranged" to be the perfect seat for two. Better yet, it has storage in the bottom - perfect for toys, shoes, blankets and what ever else needs hidin'. It would be so welcoming in an entry way or as a great accent piece in any room. Just thought I'd share it with you, brag on Papaw a lil' bit, and let you know this bench needs a home.

Happy Day to all of you, Cathy Cobblestone